Endymion is a human character inGreek mythology.
His story is told by various ancient authors. In most versions he is a shepherd, and a young man of unusual handsomeness – so much so that theMoon goddessSelene falls in love with him. She uses her divine power to keep him asleep forever, preserving his youth and beauty.
The Endymion story has been re-told bypoets andplaywrights. The English playwrightJohn Lyly wrote one version; and the poetJohn Keats used the story as the basis for his long poemEndymion.
The name also inspired Prince Endymion, the name of Momaru Chiba's (Darien in the English version) past life character and the lover of the reincarnated Princess Serenity, Usagi (Serena) Tsukino from the popular anime and mangaSailor Moon. In the future he becomes King Darien (キング・エンディミオン King Endymion), ruler of Crystal Tokyo, husband of Neo Queen Serenity and father of Rini.