Adisaster is something bad that happens. Disasters can destroy homes and many kinds of work. Disasters can be of different types, but most are caused by wars or forces of nature.
These may includeavalanches (where snow comes down a mountain),cold (where animals and people freeze),diseases (sicknesses),droughts (when there is no water),earthquakes (where the ground moves),famine (where there is not enough food),fire,flood (where rivers grow and invade land),hail (hard ice falls like rain),heat that lowers the water supply,hurricanes that may destroy homes,landslides andmudslides,sink holes (where a cave falls in),storm surge (where water piles up and then suddenly comes on land),thunderstorms (rain withlightning andthunder),tornadoes (currents of wind that break things),tsunami (where a wall of water comes on land),volcanoes erupting, awaterspout (like a tornado on water), orwinter storms (where snow falls so thick you cannot see).
Possibly the worst natural disaster recorded was the earthquake inShaanxi, China in 1556. It is measured at 9.0 on theRichter scale and 850,000 people are said to have died in the quake.
Disasters caused by humans includewars,aviation (flying) accidents,arson,CBRNs (where a country has a powerful weapon),civil disorder (where peopleriot or do crimes),power outages (where electricity is interrupted),public relations crises where a company must tell bad news,radiation accidents,disasters in space, atelecommunications outage (not being able to communicate), andterrorism.
To live through a disaster, it is important that your family and your city prepare in advance. This may be making a pack of things you need in anemergency, it may be a government sending soldiers to help, or it may be something in between. It is recommended to keep a disaster survival kit with canned goods, in the advent of such a disaster.
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