Diplomacy is about relations betweencountries. For example, countries can make an agreement together, such as atreaty. Diplomacy is the talk between the representatives ofstates, such as theirheads of state. Sometimes, these talks are abouttrade orbusiness, and sometimes they are aboutwar andpeace. Diplomacy happens a lot when two or more countries fight.
Diplomacy can be an action, a skill, or a job. The skill of diplomacy usestact, like choosing words that are friendly and polite when writing to other countries. People doing diplomacy as a job findsolutions to a common problem between countries, or put their country in a betterstrategic position among other countries.
The people doing the job of diplomacy are called diplomats. They are sent from their homecountry, to meet with and talk to diplomats and leaders of foreign countries. An important type of diplomat is called anambassador. An ambassador lives in a foreign country and works in anembassy to be available for meetings with the government of that country.
Black, Jeremy.A History of Diplomacy (U. of Chicago Press, 2010)ISBN978-1-86189-696-4
Berridge, G. R.Diplomacy: Theory & Practice, 3rd edition, Palgrave, Basingstoke, 2005,ISBN1-4039-9311-4
Cunningham, George.Journey to Become a Diplomat: With a Guide to Careers in World Affairs FPA Global Vision Books 2005,ISBN0-87124-212-5
Dorman, Shawn, ed.Inside a U.S. Embassy: How the Foreign Service Works for America by American Foreign Service Association, Second edition February 2003,ISBN0-9649488-2-6
Callieres, Francois De.The Practice of Diplomacy (1919)
Fischer, Roger and Ury, William L.Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In (1991)
Hill, Henry Bertram.The Political Testament of Cardinal Richeleiu: The Significant Chapters and Supporting Selections (1964)
Kennan, George F.American Diplomacy (Walgreen Foundation Lectures) (1985)
Kissinger, Henry.A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh, and the Problem of Peace: 1812-1822 (1999)
Kurbalija J. and Slavik H. eds.Language and Diplomacy DiploProjects, Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies, Malta, 2001,ISBN99909-55-15-8. The volume contains collection of paper presented at the international conference.
Metternich, Clemens von.Mettetnich: The Autobiography, 1773-1815 (2005)
Nicolson, Sir Harold George.Diplomacy (1988)
Nicolson, Sir Harold George.The Congress of Vienna: A Study in Allied Unity: 1812-1822 (2001)
Nicolson, Sir Harold George.The Evolution of Diplomatic Method (1977)
Nierenberg, GerardThe Art of Negotiating
Rana, Kishan S. and Jovan Kurbalija, eds.Foreign Ministries: Managing Diplomatic Networks and Optimizing Value DiploFoundation, 2007,ISBN978-99932-53-16-7
Rana, Kishan S.The 21st Century Ambassador: Plenipotentiary to Chief Executive DiploFoundation,2004,ISBN99909-55-18-2
Ernest Satow.A Guide to Diplomatic Practice by Longmans, Green & Co. London & New York, 1917. A standard reference work used in many embassies across the world (though not British ones). Now in its fifth edition (1998)ISBN0-582-50109-1
Wicquefort, Abraham de.The Embassador and His Functions (2010)
Jovan Kurbalija, Valentin Katrandjiev.Multistakeholder diplomacy : challenges and opportunities. Malta 2006,ISBN978-99932-53-16-7