Cullompton is a town andcivil parish inMid Devon,Devon, England. In 2010 there were 8,639 people living in Cullompton.[1] It is also near Cullompton Services, on theM5 motorway.[2]
There are two ideas about how the town got its name. The first idea is that its name meansfarm near theRiver Culm and that the nameCulm means twisted, because the river has lots of bends[3] The second idea is that it is named afterSaint Columba of Tir-de-Glas who some people think came to Cullompton in 549 AD.[4]
In the past there were 40 different ways to spell Cullompton. In the nineteenth century people used 3 different spellings. TheRoyal Mail who delivered letters, spelt itCullompton. The firstmap made by theOrdnance Survey called itCullumpton. The railway station sign saidCollumpton. By 1889 almost everyone agreed to spell it Cullompton.[5]
People who live in the town and like it call itCully.[6]
ARomanfort was built on St Andrew's Hill above the town. This was later replaced by a second fort.Pottery which was made between 50 and 70AD was found in the field where the forts were.[7] Some more pottery was found in the middle of Cullompton. This was not as old as the pottery from the fort and was made in the second and third centuries.[8]
The first written record of Cullompton is in thewill of the English KingAlfred the Great.