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Carmine (color)

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This box shows the color carmine.

Carmine is the general term for a particularly deepred color. Somerubies are colored the color shown in the color chart below asrich carmine. The deep red color shown at right ascarmine is the color of the raw unprocessedpigment, but lighter, richer, or brighter colors are produced when the raw pigment is processed, some of which are shown below.

The color carmine comes from thepigmentcarmine, which is a deepred color obtained from thecarminic acid produced by somescale insects, such as thecochineal and thePolish cochineal, and is used as a general term for a particularly deepred color. The pigment carmine is used in the manufacture of artificial flowers, paints, rouge, yogurt, cosmetics, food additives, and crimson ink.

The first recorded use ofcarmine as a color name inEnglish was in 1523.[1]

Meaning of carmine

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  • Since carmine is the color of driedblood, the color is sometimes used to representcrime.
  • In theStar Trek TV show, the person who the script dictated was to be killed was usually chosen from theengineering part of the crew of the starship Enterprise, who wore carmine red shirts. As a result, theredshirt is theactor playing the character in aTV Show ormovie who the script dictates is to be killed.

Tones of carmine color comparison chart

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Pale Medium Carmine Pink (ISCC-NBS Carmine #2) (Hex: #EA9399) (RGB: 234, 147, 153)
Fiery Rose (Crayola Ultra Crayons) (Hex: #FF5470) (RGB: 255, 84, 112)
Magic Potion (Crayola Silly Scents) (Hex: #FF4466) (RGB: 255, 68, 102)
Radical Red (Crayola) (Hex: #FF355E) (RGB: 255, 53, 94)
Awesome (Hex: #FF2052) (RGB: 255, 32, 82)
Carmine Ruby (Hex: #F03D6F) (RGB: 240, 61, 111)
Razzmatazz (Crayola) (Hex: #E3256B) (RGB: 227, 37, 107)
Rouge Red (Pantone TPX 18-1755) (Hex: #E44165) (RGB: 228, 65, 101)
Paradise Pink (Pantone TPX 17-1755) (Hex: #E63E62) (RGB: 230, 62, 98)
Amaranth (Hex: #E52B80) (RGB: 229, 43, 80)
Carmine Rose (Pantone TPX 17-2230) (Hex: #DD5A91) (RGB: 221, 90, 145)
Japanese Atomic Carmine Pink (Hex: #EC5486) (RGB: 236, 84, 134)
Atomic Carmine Pink (Carmine Red (Prismacolor PC 926)) (Hex: #FA4F7B) (RGB: 250, 79, 123)
Neon Red (Prismacolor PC 1037) (Hex: #FF4E6A) (RGB: 255, 78, 106)
Vivid Carmine Pink (Hex: #FF5771) (RGB: 255, 87, 113)
Ultra Red (Wild Watermelon) (Crayola) (Hex: #FC6C85) (RGB: 252, 109, 133)
Light Carmine Pink (Hex: #F26476) (RGB: 242, 100, 118)
Bright Carmine Pink (ISCC-NBS Carmine #3) (Hex: #E4717A) (RGB: 228, 113, 122)
Medium Carmine Pink (ISCC-NBS Carmine #6) (Hex: #C08181) (RGB: 192, 128, 125)
Carmine Pink-Orange (Hex: #E66761) (RGB: 230, 103, 97)
Deep Carmine Pink-Orange (Hex: #E53D43) (RGB: 229, 61, 67)
Rich Carmine Pink-Orange (Hex: #EB4C42) (RGB: 235, 76, 66)
Deep Carmine Pink (Hex: #EF3038) (RGB: 239, 48, 36)
Carmine Red (Electric Carmine) (Hex: #FF0038) (RGB: 255, 0, 56)
Rich Carmine Red (Hex: #EB003C) (RGB: 235, 0, 60)
Rich Carmine (Chinese Carmine) (Maerz & Paul) (Hex: #D70040) (RGB: 215, 0, 64)
Spanish Carmine (Carmin (Gallego & Sanz) (Hex: #D10047) (RGB: 209, 0, 71))[2]
Pictorial Carmine (Carmin (Pictorio) (Gallego & Sanz)) (Hex: #C30B4E) (RGB: 195, 11, 78))[2]
Rose Red (Pantone TPX 18-1852)) (Hex: #C21E56) (RGB: 194, 30, 86)
Deep Carmine Ruby (Hex: #BE3262) (RGB: 190, 50, 98)
Deep Carmine Rose (Carmine (Pantone TPX 17-1831)) (Hex: #BB466F) (RGB: 187, 70, 111)
Carminorubaceous (Hex: #BC2350) (RGB: 188, 35, 80)
Deep Rich Carmine (ISCC-NBS Carmine #11) (Hex: #BE0032) (RGB: 190, 0, 50)
Deep Carmine Red (ISCC-NBS Carmine #12) (Hex: #BC3F4A) (RGB: 188, 63, 74)
Medium Carmine (Hex: #AF4035) (RGB: 175, 64, 53)
Deep Carmine (Hex: #A9203E) (RGB: 169, 32, 62)
Japanese Carmine (Cochineal Red (Japanese traditional colors)) (Hex: #9D2933) (RGB: 157, 41, 51)
CARMINE ( (Hex: #960018) (RGB: 150, 0, 24)
Dark Carmine (ISCC-NBS Carmine #13) (Hex: #841B2D) (RGB: 132, 27, 45)

Related pages

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  1. Maerz and PaulA Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 192 Color Sample: Page 29 Plate 3 Color Sample K5 (Note: The color sample matches the color shown above asRich Carmine.)
  2. 2.02.1Gallego, Rosa; Sanz, Juan Carlos (2005).Guía de coloraciones (Gallego, Rosa; Sanz, Juan Carlos (2005).Guide to Colorations) Madrid: H. Blume.ISBN 84-89840-31-8
Amaranth purpleAmerican redApple redBarn redBittersweetBittersweet shimmerBlood redBurgundyCadmium redChinese red
Chinese red 2Christmas redChristmas red 2Candy apple redCardinalCarmineCeriseChili redCinnabarCordovan
Cornell redCrimsonDark redFire brickFire engine redFollyGarnetImperial redIndian redLight coral
Light redMadderMahoganyMaroonMisty roseMedium redNeon redOff-red (RGB)Old roseOU crimson
Penn redPersian redPinkRedRed-brownRed-grayRed (CMYK)
(pigment red)
Red (Crayola)Red (Munsell)Red (NCS)
Red (Pantone)RedwoodRojoRose ebonyRose redRose taupeRose valeRosewoodRosy brownRoyal red (dark)
Royal red (light)Rusty redSalmonScarletSyracuse red-orangeTomatoTomato redTurkey redVivid redVermilion
A typical sample is shown for each name; a range of color-variations is commonly associated with each color-name.
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