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The Camargue proper shown in light green,petite Camargue shown in dark green. Both make up theGrande Camargue
TheCamargue a place inFrance near where theRhone river flows into theMediterranean Sea.[1] Before it flows into the sea, the Rhone splits into two smaller rivers, forming a triangle. The Camague is thefloodplain in that triangle between the two smaller rivers. This place is theGrande Camargue (Great Camargue). A smaller part just outside the triangle is named thePetite Camague (Little Camargue). The Carmargue is about 150 kilometres (93 mi) long from east to west, and 100 kilometres (62 mi) long from north to south. Part of it is anature reserve.
Few people actually live in the Camargue. Its biggest City isArles, just north of the triangle. Arles has about 60,000 people, and a long history. The economy in Camargue is based on three things:
Agriculture – Growingwine,cereals andrice; Raisinglivestock - there's a special kind of bovine from the Camargue; there are also feral horses in the Camargue
Tourism – like the rest ofProvence and the French Mediterranean coast. There are people who come to visit the nature reserve