Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan is a 2006 British-Americanmockumentary (comedymovie) byEnglishcomedianSacha Baron Cohen. The maincharacter,Borat, is arude, stupidreporter who interviews famous people and ordinary people. The movie was very popular, but also seen as wrong and offensive by some people. This is because it was seen asanti-semitic (againstJews) andracist (againstblack people). Sacha Baron Cohen says this is wrong and he is Jewish himself.The movie received negative reactions of Kazakh people and the government, whereas the latter banned actor Sacha Baron Cohen from entering to Kazakhstan for his lifetime.
Theplot of the movie is about Borat and his friend going toAmerica fromKazakhstan to make a movie about America. Borat looks very stupid and ignorant in America. Borat falls in love withPamela Anderson after seeing her ontelevision in his hotel. He decides to go to see her while making the movie. He meets many people along the way, interviewing them.