Boer (IPA: /bur/) is theDutch word forfarmer which is used to call the descendants of theDutch farmers ofSouthern Africa during the 1700s, as well as those who left theCape Colony during the Great Trek of the 19th century to live in theOrange Free State,Transvaal andNatal. They did this to escapeBritish rule, and wars between the British imperial government and native tribes on the eastern frontier.
In 1657, “vrybriewe” was granted to 9 burgers, the firstfarmers or Boers (Boere) at the Cape. Although they were not known as Afrikaners, they did not regard themselves as living in aEuropean country. As more immigrants from Europe arrived at the Cape, more international marriages took place. Soon their language and culture were lost and transformed. They regarded themselves as a new nation, theAfrikaner people.Paul Heyns, born in1696 christened his son Michiel Afrikanus (the Afrikaner).
OneHendrik Bieslow in1707 proclaimed in public “Ik ben een Afrikaander”. The Boers later created theBoer Republics, which were defeated in the1880-1881 and1899–1902Anglo-Boer wars (Anglo-Boere-oorloë). After that, many Boers emigrated to other countries, but many still live in modernSouth Africa,Eswatini (formerlySwaziland) andZimbabwe.
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