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Ascus ofHypocrea virens with eight two-celled ascosporesA model of Aspergillus
Aspergillus is a largegenus offungi in thephylumAscomycota. There are several hundredspecies or types, some of which are important to medicine, science and industry.[1] It grows as amould, often on plants. The fungi makeasexualspores in a structure called anaspergillum. About one third of types also havesexual reproduction.[2]
Aspergillus species are highlyaerobic and are found in almost all oxygen-rich environments. They are common contaminants of starchy foods (such as bread and potatoes), and grow in or on many plants and trees.
Species ofAspergillus are important medically and commercially. Some species can causeinfection in humans and other animals. More than 60Aspergillus species are medically relevant pathogens.[3] For humans there is a range of diseases such as infection to the external ear, skin lesions, and ulcers classed asmycetomas.