Antimony trisulfide, also known asantimony(III) sulfide, is achemical compound. Itschemical formula is Sb2S3. It hasantimony andsulfideions in it. The antimony is in its +3oxidation state.
Antimony trisulfide is a graysolid. It reacts withhydrochloric acid to makehydrogen sulfide and an antimony(III) compound. It dissolves inpotassium hydroxide. It burns in air to makeantimony(III) oxide andsulfur dioxide. It is areducing agent.
Stibnite is themineral form of antimony trisulfide.
Antimony trisulfide is made in the laboratory by reacting any antimony(III) compound with hydrogen sulfide.
Antimony trisulfide is used incosmetics; in this area it is calledkohl. It is used inpyrotechnics to make a glitter effect. It is also used in the heads ofsafety matches. It used to be used in flash powder before electronic flashes were used.