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A member registered Dec 15, 2020

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Just wondering whatever happened to the Android version

From what I played in the demo I really liked it hopefully I'll be able to purchase it eventually from what I played of the demo I give the story four out of five stars

Really good I love it so far I really hope the raccoon is bisexual keep up the good work brick brick and the rest of the team

I really love this visual novel it's in one of my non project Echo list for sure top five can't wait for chapter 9 to release if you're still doing it

I wasn't down playing the action at all and I don't support grooming one bit I'm just saying the exact same thing you're saying just worded different

okay I did where you thought I was supporting grooming but I wasn't I was saying everybody makes mistakes every now and then it's time to let things go if I was trying to say and if the Creator wants to move forward he can

 I'm going to say this everybody makes mistakes you don't deserve any hate for it and I would hope people understand that also it's good to know that you recognize your mistakes

I'm confused I thought r o u was the main love interest I didn't know Javier could end up with him unless I'm reading into what you put into the developer log wrong

I don't know if it's the same for PC and or Mac but Android have a red X to delete save data when you go into load

Question what happened with the Android version

I'm sad I still can't read this. I live cleared my Google Play cafe. What makes some even worse? I help you with the glitch with hypers picture.

 A while back.k

So I read the new Dev. Log. I was wondering. You mentioned day 6 call Owen. But you never did Brandon or any of the other guys yet? And I know you still have to do V l a d

I love both university and where the demon LURKSI was wondering. Is the maximum for the teacher Points.

 Really 5 out and 12.

H e y rat Was wondering if you have approximate release date For it on steam, I know be patient sometimes but I don't know how long money staysave on steam.

I know it's a linear visual novel but I keep hoping that the main character will end up with t h e best friend instead of the devil I mean to reach their own but I like the best friend better

The only way I can do that is go all the way back to you old old artwork file for wolfstar and I don't know about House of beef and I don't even know if that will work and I'm really sad that it's just having to do this because I hope fix a glitch a while back and wanted to know what all happened after it's been a while sorry for improper English my Google speech to text Goes Goofy a lot

Hi Wolf star I just tried to install both wolfstar and house of beef today on my Samsung Galaxy tablet and it says incompatible with phone as well which is weird for me because the past few updates I have been able to read wolfstar no problem on my previous Samsung Galaxy and this one a little bit

just great I have to try and find a steam card somehow GameStop doesn't really carry them anymore and I barely go there anyway

I don't know if you will answer these questions but I might go ask them I just wish listed it on Steam will it be a paid game or free and will there be more customization options I mean I don't care for me incest and go but I'll give it a go some more when it comes out

Yay really excited about public content but I'm a little confused because it only mentions polyamorous root not one or the other I mean I know it's going to leave there eventually but you would think it would be nice to tell people something along those lines not judging but it was just something in my head

Okay stupid question does this one add the other love interest to it a little more

Hey Bowser I don't know hothatw often can you check your messages on Discord but I left you message I just thought I'd let you know my username has zootopia in it if you go looking for the message keep up the good work with chord progressions and hopefully talk to you eventually have a good day

I forgot to ask this when the post was put up but does this mean that that story won't be free anymore

I know it's probably pointless to ask this but to the Creator of this game are you going to return to it anytime soon I would like to see what would happen because I did pay proper price for this game please and thank you just wondering also no rush

thank you brother I know that sex drive will be paid compared to Minotaur Hotel being free at least that's what I remember from your first the blog for it but I really do want to give it a shot

You know I thought it would be interesting to read this but after I checked out the demo and download it was mostly just reading from a diary I don't know I felt off not like Minotaur Hotel which I can't wait to return whenever that does finish up also I want you to know I'm not trying to discourage you or anything I'm just surprised no backgrounds or anything with the demo

Hey Wolf star I have a question I know you technically updated s i n s and Paradise but I just wanted to double check something to you put the fix in for hypers picture showing up for is this the man you love in the Wonderland m azè and I do have a question for this one as well is there really only one or two love interest for this one because I love the main character but I don't get it falls in love a random bear just my opinion I know don't get me wrong I still love this one too

hey Bowser Puma I don't want to keep bothering you I don't but I have a question do you have all male characters voice Acted meaning the ones you want voice acting because just wondering I really want to be a part of this visual novel somehow I know it's silly

I understand that I just hope that I will get to see a little Romance between Devon and the MC

Since people keep forgetting to check out more info I thought I'd help by putting this picture in the comments 

I wish I could have read the original more and I was really hoping for the hash to work out best of luck to you and your endeavors

Okay maybe obvious to everyone else but I was just wondering if devons route is over because I just finished update for him I mean I don't know if the main character wood ever kiss or make love to him wishful thinking I know I love him and Bjorn which reminds me I still need to find out how Bjorn felt after their special friend together meaning the main character and him sorry for the long-winded comment I just had a question and the other stuff I loved

So I have a question guys I know Andy had a family issue but I'm not following him on Twitter I don't believe so can anyone tell me what's going on with this one

it's no problem I know it had been there for a while I kept telling you about it but noticed it wasn't getting fixed I know you wanted to advance the story so it wasn't that important I'm just glad I could help

hey wolfstar have you updated the Wonderland maze yet to show hypers picture on the phone when asking is this the man you love questions just wondering 

Spoiler alert Finished it in one day can't wait for more I do have to say though I wish there was a little more color to it that's my only gripe otherwise five stars I know the technically s l e e p together the main character Dawn and Darlow but I would like to see a little more intimacy I know that the me never happen but I can wish

I know this is for Cecil but does this also include Owen in general or how long should I wait for him on on Facebook
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