Shark's Keyboard Wiki

Shark's Keyboard Wiki is my own personal wiki-style database on IBM and family keyboards, their history, the technology they employ, and the companies themselves. Development of the wiki is still in its infancy, thus the structure and quality of the wiki are subject to change. My original text and images are available underCC BY-NC-SA 4.0 terms. Third-party sources used may have their own terms are stated at the bottom of each page - if for a given photo they are absent, assume you require the owner's consent to use that material.


A large collection of IBM and family keyboards under a common designation or related design

IBM typewriter printer-keyboards

IBM Elastic Diaphragm encoded keyboards

IBM Model B keyboards

IBM Model F keyboards

IBM Model M keyboards


An individual IBM and family keyboard or keypad and perhaps very closely related variants or possible configurations

IBM 1052 I/​O Printer-Keyboard

IBM 1130 Computing System Console Keyboard

IBM 1816 Printer-Keyboard

IBM 2740 & 2741 Communications Terminal

IBM 3210 & 3215 Console Printer-Keyboard

Lenovo ThinkPad USB Keyboard with TrackPoint (SK-8855)

MICRO CADAM Lighted Program Function Keyboard

Model M-e Modular 67-Key POS, MANPOS & MCANPOS Keyboards

Model M3 L40 SX Keyboard Assembly & Numeric Keypad

Model M4 & M4-1 Space Saver Keyboard & Numeric Keypad

Model M6 & M6-1 ThinkPad Laptop Keyboard Assemblies

Model M7, M7-1, M8, M9 & M11 Retail POS Keyboards

Model M13 TrackPoint II Keyboard

Model M Enhanced Keyboard

Model M Screen Reader Keypad

Model M Space Saving Keyboard

SK-8835, SK-8840 & SK-8845 pointing stick & UltraNav keyboards

Unicomp Mini Model M

Unicomp New Model M


An IBM and family company or division responsible for designing or manufacturing IBM and family keyboards

IBM Information Products Division



A key-switch technology employed by an IBM and family company human input device

IBM beam spring

IBM buckling sleeve

IBM buckling spring

Related technologies

A technology related to IBM and family human input devices

IBM/​Lenovo TrackPoint pointing stick

Lexmark-Unicomp FSR pointing stick