Cassette is a library of over 200 portable tape recorder, cassette, rewind/fast forward, slow-down/speed-up and noise sounds. Sourced from recorders that have seen better days, the devices hiss and sputter, warble and moan – if you're after samples with a little personality these might be just the thing!
Ideal for time manipulation events, cutscenes and in-game foley, as UI button sounds or source for mechanical and sci-fi sound design.
50 button presses with and without tape and device noise.
73 designed rewind, fast-forward and tape stop effects, excellent for entering or exiting time manipulation sequences. Includes vinyl scratch style effects.
32 cassette rattle and handling sounds great for cutscene foley or in-game collectibles.
7 seamless tape playback/rewind loops for in-game comms devices or tape playback foley.
35 load and remove cassette, close deck, open case and mechanism sounds.
BONUS 10 EMF and tape noise samples. Electromagnetic fields recorded directly onto tape help you add convincing grit to in-game comms devices, and create eerie sounds from the ether in horror and sci-fi titles.
24-bit 96kHz WAV audio in a mix of stereo and mono allows for further mangling and sound design.
Royalty-free. Use the sounds in commercial or non-commercial projects.
BWF & Soundminer metadata.
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