Historija Kasnijeg Hana (pojednostavljeni kineski:后汉书; tradicionalni kineski:後漢書; pinyin:hòuhànshū; Wade-Giles: Hou Han Shu) je jedna odkineskih službenihhistorijskih knjiga koju je u 5. vijeku sastavioFan Ye na temelju ranijih knjiga i službenih dokumenata. Ona pokriva historijuIstočne dinastije Han od 25. do 220. godine n.e.
Chavannes, Édouard (1906). "Trois Généraux Chinois de la dynastie des Han Orientaux. Pan Tch’ao (32-102 p.C.); – son fils Pan Yong; – Leang K’in (112 p.C.). Chapitre LXXVII duHeou Han chou."T’oung pao 7, pp. 210–269.
Chavannes, Édouard (1907). "Les pay d'occident d'après leHeou Han chou. T’oung pao 8. pp. 149-244..
Hill, John E. 2003. "Annotated Translation of the Chapter on the Western Regions according to theHou Hanshu." 2nd Draft Edition.[1]
Hill, John E. (2009). Through the Jade Gate to Rome: A Study of the Silk Routes during the Later Han Dynasty, First to Second Centuries CE. BookSurge. ISBN978-1-4392-2134-1.
Yu, Taishan. 2004.A History of the Relationships between the Western and Eastern Han, Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties and the Western Regions.Sino-Platonic Papers No. 131 March, 2004. Dept. of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Pennsylvania.