Welcome to SFINCS’s documentation!¶
‘SFINCS’ is Deltares’ new reduced-complexity model designed for super-fast modelling of compound flooding in a dynamic way!This online documentation describes the input files and parameters of the SFINCS model (Super-Fast INundation of CoastS), model output and how to get started.

Mail‘sfincs@deltares.nl’ for questions that are not answered yet by this documentation.
SFINCS has been made freely available open source for you to use under the standard GNU GPL-v3.0 license (see:https://choosealicense.com/licenses/gpl-3.0/ for more information).
Quick information:
For an introduction of the SFINCS model see the introduction journal publication, see:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2020.103796
For more general information about SFINCS and Deltares, see:https://deltares.nl/en/software/sfincs/
To download a free pre-compiled windows executable of SFINCS, see:https://download.deltares.nl/en/sfincs
To collaborate with us on improving the model, see:https://github.com/Deltares/SFINCS
To raise possible issues with the latest version of the model, see:https://github.com/Deltares/SFINCS/issues
For a background on SFINCS, application areas, performed international projects and publiscations, see “Introduction” in this manual.
Outline manual:This manual is outlined containing the following parts, see also the overview bar on the left:
Getting started
User manual
Input parameters and files
Model output and messages
SFINCS is developed at Deltares and initiated by Maarten van Ormondt.This documentation is developed and maintained by Tim Leijnse and Roel de Goede.