hi hello and happy new year!
it’s been a hot minute since I logged in. I’m not here much at all any more, and I’ve barely been on Tumblr much at all in the past few months or really, in the past year. which I never thought would happen but I’m actually in my offline era now??? amazing. most of my time on this blog happened when I was unemployed and in covid lockdown, and now I have multiple jobs, another degree, and I spend as much of my free time as I can going outdoors or hanging out with friends. and I will be continuing that as much as possible in 2023.
anyways, all this is to say idk what’s going to happen with this blog going forward. going to leave it plus all of my themes up and available to use of course, and I may end up dropping the occasional code from time to time. coding is occasionally a nice stress relief for me. but I definitely won’t be around to keep my themes updated or respond to problems like I used to.
I know tumblr has changed quite a few things in the past year and will continue to, since like everything else, it’s constantly growing and evolving. yes I know npf is still doing stuff especially with audio posts, but I simply don’t have the time… or desire tbh to do anything about it.
so, sorry if you sent me a message about something not working over the past year, and apologies in advance if you send something in later. I probably will not be responding since I do not have time 💖
I found an old theme in my drafts I completely finished ages ago and completely forgot about so I may see if I can release it in the next few days. don’t like being the kind of thememaker who puts stuff out but isn’t around to fix anything that goes wrong but… well…. here I am.
GAZA NEEDS YOU. DON'T LOOK AWAY. YOU CAN SAVE LIVES.Below are some VETTED campaigns to support the people who have been experiencing an active genocide for almost a full year. DONATE DONATE DONATE. If you cannot, share widely.
(June 1)
- Help Iyad and his family (@iyadsobhei) - Iyad is an elderly man who has been living in dire conditions with deteriorating health; he needs to evacuate with his wife and eight children.This fundraiser currently has NO FUNDS.
- Help evacuate Hani's family (@skatehani) - A dear friend, and a Palestinian skater trying to evacuate 10 members of his family; he has lost his father to injustice. Less than halfway to his goal.
- Help Husam and his family (@husamthaher) - Husam desperately needs to save himself, his wife, and 3 young children.
- Ahmd needs urgent evacuation (@ahmd-iyd) - Ahmd has lost his livelihood to this genocide, and needs funds to help his family evacuate and rebuild their life.
- Help Mahmoud Abu Hamam and his family (@ma7moudgaza) - A college student who desperately needs to evacuate to Egypt.
- Help Iman’s family find safety (@imaneyad) - Iman has a family of 7 who need to find safety.
- Help Mahmoud's family evacuate (@mahmoud0qassas) - Mahmoud and his family need to get to Egypt. His brother in law needs medical attention ASAP.
- Support Ruba and Amal's family's urgent evacuation (@rubashaban@amalshabn) - Ruba and Amal's family are lacking the basic necessities of life; they have an elderly father who desperately needs to be evacuated for medical care.
- Help Omar evacuate(@omarsobhi) - Omar is a 20 year old Palestinian student who wants to save himself and his family from this genocide.
- Support Fahmi and his family (@fahmiakkila) - Fahmi's life has been turned completely upside down, and he now finds himself responsible to save his parents, sisters, & brothers - 7 members.
- Save a displaced Gazan Family (@ranibra) - Rania is married with five children, her husband needs medical care. She is now responsible to save her children. Help them evacuate.
- Save little Yusuf and his family (@ahmednabubake) - Yusuf is in an intensive care unit fighting for his life in Gaza; he needs urgent evacuation alongside his family.
- Save a family trapped in Gaza (@mohamedalanqer) - Mohammed Alanqar and his family are living in fear, urgently needing financial assistance to escape to a safer environment.
- Help Gazan children survive(@aymanayyad81) - Fadi Ayyad, an 18-year-old from Gaza seeks the funds to help his family survive these gruesome conditions.
- Save Tawfik and his family (@tawfikwaleef) - Tawfik is an engineer from Gaza who urgently needs to escape Gaza with his family.
- Help Tahseen and his family (@tahseenmush) - Tahseen and his family are from northern Gaza and need urgent help to survive this genocide.
- Help Nader's family to evacuate from Gaza (@nadershoshaa) - Nader and his family, consisting of six members, are currently displaced in the south; help them evacuate and survive.
Don't ignore this list—your support is URGENTLY needed.Each fundraiser here is an opportunity to help, and it has been made easy for you to find these fundraisers. You can easily save lives.Pick at least one to support. Once again, your donation can save lives.If you can't donate, please share these campaigns.
In Gaza,journalists are passing out from exhaustion and famine. Despite the ICJ ruling, the US and Australia are intentionally defunding UNWRA based on baseless claims by Israel that members of the aid group are Hamas-sympathizers. Netanyahu, of course, hasignored the ICJ ruling. Israel has banned insulin pens from arriving in Gaza, a particularly cruel and inhumane crime to add to their laundry list of offences. Nothing has changed, and things are getting worse.
It is not that hard to not buy things. To not watch things. Perhaps it is inconvenient, and makes you go out of your way, and costs a little more to buy alternatives. But if you were to attend a funeral a day for every child that has died in Gaza so far, it would take you over 27 years. When the worst that will happen to you is that you don't watch a TV show featuring a zionist, you don't buy a specific brand that donates to and supports zionism, how could that possibly compare to the plight of Palestinians who must amputate limbs without anesthesia?
Once again, this is the BDS list of brands to boycott.
Here is a comprehensive post about more actions you can take in support of Palestine.
Here is a list of verifiable orgs that provide aid on the ground.
credible organisations that are doing work on the ground in Palestine:
Care for Gaza:non-profit charity that distributes money, food and other resources directly to families in Gaza.They maintain a regular presence onTwitterand Instagram.You can donate to them viaPaypal here.
PCRF / Palestine Children's Relief Fund: non-profit organisation that distributes essential food and resources to families in Gaza. Most recently, theydelivered 30 tons of vital medicine, and82,000 pounds of flour.
Medical Aid For Palestinians:deploys medical teams to treat Palestinians suffering under Israel's malicious bombardments.
Donate e-sims to Palestine: massive post with tutorials and relevant links, with discount codes included in the post and in the replies.
Direct Aid:humanitarian fund distributing supplies such as blankets and winter jackets directly to Palestinian families.
help people leave palestine (donate what you can)
Help a Family Evacuate Gaza (GoGetFunding)
Save Sanaa and her Family (Gofundme)
Save Amjad Saher and his family(Gofundme)
Help a family of 13 escape Gaza (Gofundme)
Help a Palestinian children's book illustrator save her family of 12(Gofundme)
Today, tomorrow and until Israel faces justice for their crimes, learn how to prioritise Palestine over your own comfort.
logged back into tumblr for the first time in months and immediately saw a zionist using one of my themes. anyways, here’s a reminder that zionists, islamophobes, anti-arab, antisemites, racists of all kinds, terfs, transphobes, homophobes, and the like are not welcome here and are not welcome to use my themes. gtfo. normally, it’s an honour that people are still using my increasingly broken themes but not when it’s on a blog spewing disgusting racist bullshit.
to the rest of you, it’s still an honour.
theme sixteen: lavender — an attempt at a sidebar grid theme with big posts
previews:static preview,live preview /install:theme garden
features and options:
- one or two columns
- 100px x 100px sidebar image
- if you pick the one column option, your post size options are: 400px, 450px, 500px, 540px, 570px. if you pick the two column option, posts will be responsive to your screen size. please do not ask me to change the post sizes on the two column version.
- links dropdown with space for up to six custom links and an unlimited number of Tumblr pages
- hide or show captions and tags on index page, optional rounded corners
- ten body font options, five title font options, font sizes from 12px to 18px, and all colours customizable.
- responsive for both desktop and mobile devices
- Tumblr’s customize page is very buggy and when you first install the theme, you have totoggle the toggle options on and off to get them to work properly.
- if you’re a gif/graphics maker and you want your images to show up exactly 540px wide,pick the 570px post sizeoption to account for the post padding.
- sidebar link icons are fromfeather icons. if you want to change them, go tothis site, find the name of the new icon you want, and enter it in the requisite text field in the customization panel.
theia theme by engelthm
a brutalist header theme with a text-based landing page.
- optional background image and film grain effect.
- ask, submit, and additional four custom links.
- any font and font size, with optional landing page descriptions.
credits and terms of use can be found here.
Leaf— a responsive, single-column theme
Static previews:Header,left sidebar
Download code:GitHub
This is a single-column Tumblr theme with an option between a header or left sidebar, with Google fonts of your choosing. Optional dark mode and update tab is included. Supports NPF posts. Features and notes below the cut.

hello there and welcome to my first coding challenge! i really wanted to do something fun for the community and this is what i came up with (thank you my love@vitaminholland for helping me out <3)
there are no rules! here i leave you the prompts for this challenge but you’re under no obligation to do all of them, and theres no time limit either
- any code: code whatever you want but it must contain popups and/or tabs
- any code: revamp your first code/the oldest work you haven’t revamped yet
- any code: code out of the box, try to code a theme or page that’s is of a new style
- any code: collab with your favorite theme maker
- page: do whatever, but no js allowed
- theme: anything that counts as grid/masonry/colcade/multi column
- page: a page without any images
- theme: a theme that must have multiple sidebars
- free space
you can tag your works with #southcodeschallenge and i will reblog all of them!
theres no need to reblog this but it would be appreciated
do your best and have fun!<3
Theme #10 : Excess [Preview]
BlogTheme.You will love each other.
↳ [GITHUB] | [THEME GARDEN] (soon)
- Full height sidebar with image, title, user info and description
- 3 Social links & 4 extra custom links
- Accent colors (Blog author, link post, chat lines, audio meta, ask background, links background)
- 3 Custom Google Fonts, font size, weight, line height
- Post width selection: 300, 400, 500, 540 & 700px
- Mobile responsive
- Feather Icons
- Meyne Textur font byPeter Wiegel
- Sidebar image by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
- Avatar image Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash
- Dummy texts are lyrics byHEALTH andPerturbator
Edit and customise to your liking.Don’t repost/redistribute and/or claim as your own. Do not use as a base code. Leave the credit, thank you.
As always, explanations are in the code. I’ll be updating them from time to time. If you are having issues, take a look at this themesFAQ, or my generalFAQ. Not finding anything? Send me amessage. Please report any bugs to me byeither opening an issue on GitHub or sending a message.
static preview /get code |buy me coffee
- customizable colors, fonts & font size
- optional post width
- up to 7 customizable links
- supports Tumblr's new posts format (NPF)
- localization strings
- responsive
Theme— Metanoia byvitaminholland
- 250x200px sidebar image
- 100x100px about image
- custom blog title
- custom blog subtitle
- five custom links
- 450px blog posts
- updates section
- about section with info**
- option for multiple font families for heading and body
- option for 1/0.9*/0.8rem body font size
- option for 0.9*/0.8rem uppercase font size
- option for hide tags*
- option for show tags
- back to top*
- * denotes default features.
- ** denotes sections where you have to go into the code to edit.
- Neither ask or submit links would show if you don’t allow people to ask you questions or allow people to submit things to you.
- I don’t claim any of the fonts, scripts and/or tutorials I used unless stated otherwise.See full credits here.
- Support me on Ko-Fi.
Requested Theme
(some timeagosomeone asked for a theme i used to have in this blog, and i just complety forgot i actually did it, so here it is :p)
static preview /get code |buy me coffee
- customizable colors, fonts & font size
- optional post width
- up to 7 customizable links
- supports tumblr new posts format (npf)
- localization strings
- responsive
How to show active pages
While I was redoing my base code, I wanted to have a better way of showing which page I was on in the theme’s navigation.
First make classes for each page type using their blocks. I put this in the class attribute for <body>:
<body class=“{block:HomePage}home{/block:HomePage}{block:AskPage}ask{/block:AskPage}{block:SubmitPage}submit{/block:SubmitPage}-page”>
Then select those classes in your theme’s CSS. In my base code I’m using .links for my navigation, so replace that with the selector for your links.
.home-page .links a[href=“/”], .ask-page .links a[href=“/ask”], .submit-page .links a[href=“/submit”]
Using those selectors, you can add whatever styling you want your active links to have. You can see how I styled it on@eggbasecode.
To do this for custom pages (the ones added with {block:HasPages}),I made a more in depth guide!
The desperately needed revamp of Notes! It has most of the features of the original, with these new features:
- Stickers! You can now have up to two stickers in your sidebar. By default the stickers will have some "puffy" sticker styling which can be turned off. Works best with transparent images.
- You can now pick between ruled/lined, dotted/bullet, or grid paper! If you don't want any of these, you can make your line color the same as your post color.
- You can now remove the tape if that doesn't fit your aesthetic.
- Optional box shadows
Please let me know if you run into any issues with this theme!