According toIHS Markit, Internet of Things devices will reach nearly 73 billion by 2025. That’s 73 billion devices that won’t provide feedbackto developers about crashes.
When it comes to IoT app development, Sentry provides the contextand feedback necessary to ship and manage devices that work.
Once unboxed and in the hands of the end-user, the feedback about an embedded device is non-existent. Unfortunately, this makes debugging in IoT extremely difficult. WithGartner reporting$2 trillion of IoT consumer spending by 2020, the time for reconnecting IoT software development and error feedback has come.
Sentry helps IoT developers move feedback into the development cycle by capturing exceptions and crashes while helping prioritize issues and uncovering potential issue impact.
With data visualization and the ability to query raw data, Sentry uncovers deep insights into application health.
With error and crash capturing, context and tag setting, and breadcrumb recording, exception handling just got easier.
That’s it! Check out theSentry Native SDK documentation for more information.
Detailed reports provide developer teams with necessary context via high-quality
stack traces and fullaccess to the original native crash report.
Sentry groups Events into Issues. We have maintained (and continuously improved) default rules, but you’re also welcome to configure your own. After all, you know your Events best.
Sentry’s notifications give immediate visibility into errors. Instead of reacting to a series of problems run rampant, proactive decisions can be made, nesting iteration directly within the existing development workflow.
With searchable, detailed information on the operating system, device, timing, and more, Sentry helps trace an error to its root.
Are your highest-paying customers affected? Receive detailed analysis of error distributions and timelines, for instance, by GPU vendor or the geographical location.
The cost of maintaining in-house error monitoring is steep. Sentry improves the rate of functionality delivered and allows you to refocus those full-time resources.
Just look at all the high-quality security
features all accounts get, regardless of plan.
Here’s a quick look at how Sentry handles your personal information (PII).
×We collect PII about people browsing our website, users of the Sentry service, prospective customers, and people who otherwise interact with us.
What if my PII is included in data sent to Sentry by a Sentry customer (e.g., someone using Sentry to monitor their app)? In this case you have to contact the Sentry customer (e.g., the maker of the app). We do not control the data that is sent to us through the Sentry service for the purposes of application monitoring.
Am I included?We may disclose your PII to the following type of recipients:
You may have the following rights related to your PII:
If you have any questions or concerns about your privacy at Sentry, please email us
If you are a California resident, see ourSupplemental notice.