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Pixel Art Tileset - Desert Sands

Pixel Art Tileset - Desert Sands

A downloadable asset pack

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A perilous journey across a blistering desert awaits your adventurers. This beautifully detailed 16x16-pixel tileset is perfect for a top-down RPG or adventure game in a classic colorful 16-bit art style. Here's a list of everything you'll find in this tileset:

  • A sand texture with 6 variant tiles (same as the sand from myTropical Shores tileset, so you can add a shoreline to this tileset if you make some color edits)
  • 4 rocks-on-sand tiles
  • 4 grass-on-sand tiles
  • 2 large sand dunes
  • 4-frame shifting sands animation
  • Animal skull and ribs half-buried in sand
  • A person-high termite mound
  • A dirt texture with 5 variant tiles (matches the dirt in myseasonal forest tilesets so you can recolor for easy blending)
  • Blending sand to dirt corner-to-corner autotile
  • A bunch of plants!
    • Fan palm tree
    • Coconut palm tree (with and without coconuts)
    • 2 large saguaro cactuses
    • 2 barrel cactuses
    • 3 prickly pear cactuses of varying size
    • Prickly pear cactus bearing fruit
    • Prickly pear fruit inventory icon
    • 2 tumbleweeds, large and small (plus a shadow sprite so you can have them rolling across the desert)
  • Super flexible stone cliffs
    • Both sand and dirt variants
    • Cave openings on sand or dirt (perfect for transitioning to myMuddy Cave tileset)
    • Verticle cliff stairs on sand or dirt
    • 1x3-tile optional side-cliffs for extra detail
  • A shallow water texture with 5 variant tiles (matches the water in my seasonal forest tilesets so you can recolor for easy blending)

In addition to everything found on the 256x256 sheet listed above, I've also included a few extras:

  • Color variants for both the cliffs and the water tiles
  • Easily sliceable sheets with objects of similar size.
  • A separate sheet of prefabs to help you set up your terrain brushes.
  • A sample map file (TMX) with the prefabs and terrain brushes already configured (requiresTiled).
  • A small bonus tileset with flexible semi-transparent shadows (for giving your cliffs some depth).

When they're done in the desert, set your players up for some other exotic locales:

P.S. The header map was designed by the talented TurtleBaseAlpha.

Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(12 total ratings)
AuthorSeliel the Shaper
GenreRole Playing
Tags16-bit,16x16,2D,Asset Pack,Backgrounds,Pixel Art,Retro,Tileset,Top-Down


Get this asset pack and 8 more for $69.95 USD
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In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $19.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

23.03a - Desert Sands.zip173 kB
bonus desert obelisks.zip9.7 kB

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Love the tilesets and the diversity of biomes so far...
As I would need a cursed/dead forest tileset (dead trees, torn shapes, weird inscriptions on rocks maybe, baren land, dark dying grass, dirt, a few animals skeletons...), but can't commission it (can't imagine the price for 2 months of work), i was wondering if this might already be on your to do list or even a good idea for a tileset.

Other than that, keep up the awesome work, i'm progressively buying everything you made, its dope.

I've already purchased the winter forest asset and it contains a "clean" (no snow) version of the trees and all, and i think i can work with that :)

Good call, I was going to suggest something like that. I do have some plans for a badlands type of tileset someday. Unfortunately, it's probably not happening this year. I have a lot of other big plans before I can get to that specifically 🙏🏽

Nice, hope your projects go well :)

Hi Seliel, I just bought this asset pack and it is really beautiful. Would you be able to tell me what the tiles I circled are used for? Thanks!

They're just alternate sand-dirt transition tiles. Use them with the ones above.

Do these work with RPG Maker MZ? Also, do these get updated over time?

None of my assets are designed to work with any version of RPG Maker, sorry.

Could you explain how the sand animation is supposed to be set up?

It's a 4-frame looping animation. You slice the sheet 16x32 (that's in the filename). Run the loop at whatever speed works for you. You can run it mirrored or rotated horizontally. Look at the preview image on this page that says "Includes a variety of desert vegetation" to see the animation in action.

That's right, I forget that your animations work mirrored or rotated :) thanks!

Seliel, for the reference photos do you hire a map builder or do you do it yourself?

I make all the sample maps myself using Tiled, with the exception of some header maps (the big one with my logo at the top of the page). You'll see a credit line at the bottom of the page if someone else designed the header map.·View all by Seliel the Shaper·Report·Embed
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