Android NDK beginner's guide : discover the native side of Android and inject the power of C/C++ in your applications
Sylvain Ratabouil (Author)
This book is intended for those who are interested in learning the core features of the Spring Framework. Prior knowledge of Java programming and web development concepts with basic XML knowledge is expected
1 online resource : illustrations
9781783989652, 1783989653
Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; About the Reviewers;; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Setting Up Your Environment; Getting started with Android development; Setting up Windows; Time for action
preparing Windows for Android development; Installing Android development kits on Windows; Time for action
installing Android SDK and NDK on Windows; Setting up OS X; Time for action
preparing OS X for Android development; Installing Android development kits on OS X; Time for action
installing Android SDK and NDK on OS X; Setting up Linux. Time for action
preparing Ubuntu for Android developmentInstalling Android development kits on Linux; Time for action
installing Android SDK and NDK on Ubuntu; Installing the Eclipse IDE; Time for action
installing Eclipse with ADT on your OS; Setting up the Android emulator; Time for action
creating an Android virtual device; Developing with an Android device; Time for action
setting up an Android device; More about ADB; Summary; Chapter 2: Starting a Native Android Project; Building NDK sample applications; Time for action
compiling and deploying San Angeles sample. Generating project files with Android managerCompiling native code with NDK-Build; Building and packaging an application with Ant; Deploying an application package with Ant; Launching an application with ADB Shell; More about Android tooling; Creating your first native Android project; Time for action
creating a native Android project; Introducing Dalvik and ART; Interfacing Java with C/C++; Time for action
calling C code from Java; Debugging native Android applications; Time for action
debugging a native Android application; Defining NDK application-wide settings; NDK-GDB day-to-day. Analyzing native crash dumpsTime for action
analyzing a native crash dump; Deciphering crash dumps; Setting up a Gradle project to compile native code; Time for action
creating a native Android project; Time for action
using your own Makefiles with Gradle; Summary; Chapter 3: Interfacing Java and C/C++ with JNI; Initializing a native JNI library; Time for action
defining a simple GUI; Time for action
initializing the native store; Converting Java strings in native code; Time for action
handling strings in the native store; Native character encoding; JNI String API. Passing Java primitives to native codeTime for action
handling primitives in the native store; Referencing Java objects from native code; Time for action
saving references to Objects in native Store; Local references; Global references; Weak references; Managing Java arrays; Time for action
handling Java arrays in native Store; Primitive arrays; Object arrays; Raising and checking Java exceptions; Time for action
raising & catching exceptions in native Store; Executing code in Exception state; Exception handling API; Summary; Chapter 4: Calling Java Back from Native Code
"Learn by doing : less theory, more results."
Includes index