陳誠先生從政史料選輯 : 行政院美援運用委員會會議紀錄
Shou lu le 1958 nian-1963 nian jian, Chen cheng xian sheng suo zhao kai de ge ci xing zheng yuan mei yuan yun yong wei yuan hui hui yi ji lu
Print Book,Chinese, min 98.04
國史館, Tai bei xian xin dian shi, min 98.04
ce : tu ; 27 gong fen
9789860180343, 9789860182989, 9789860214000, 9789860180343, 9789860182989, 9789860214000, 9860180342, 9860182981, 986021400X
封底英文題名: Documentary collection on the political career of Chen Cheng : records of the Committee of council for United States Aid