


Front cover image for The MK process at 50 years : a powerful tool for astrophysical insight : a workshop of the Vatican Observatory, Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A., September 1993

The MK process at 50 years : a powerful tool for astrophysical insight : a workshop of the Vatican Observatory, Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A., September 1993

eBook,English, 1994
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, 1994
Conference papers and proceedings
1 online resource (xxi, 411 pages) : illustrations
A Message from W.W. Morgan to the Participants
Presentations to W.W. Morgan and P.C. Keenan
A Hierarchy of Standards for the MK Process / R.F. Garrison
Some Problems and Developments of Current Classification / P.C. Keenan
Spectroscopy of Standard Stars in the Region 4000-9000 A / L.J. Corral, S.G. Navarro, J.H. Pena, R. Peniche and I. Hirata
An Analysis of MK Spectral Types in the New Bright Star Catalogue / W.H. Warren, Jr. and D. Hoffleit
Stellar Classification and the Theory of Stellar Atmospheres / D. Mihalas
The MK Process and OB+ Stars / J.S. Drilling
The Spectroscopic Classification of White Dwarfs: Unique Requirements and Challenges / J. Liebert and E.M. Sion
Precision Classification / R.O. Gray
The O3 Stars in 1993 / N.R. Walborn
MK Spectral Classification in the Orion OBI Association / H. Levato, S. Malaroda, M. Grosso and N. Morrel
MK Spectra of the Bright A-Type Stars / H.A. Abt
The A2 IV Stars / S. Sreedhar Rao, M. Parthasarathy and C. Raghavender Rao
Spectral Classification and Incidence of the Upper Main Sequence Chemically Peculiar Stars / F.A. Catalano and F. Leone
On the Complementarity between MK Classification and Stromgren photometry / E.H. Olsen
Photometric Classification and the MK Process Revisited / D.L. Crawford
UBVRIJHKL Photometry, Stellar Systems and the Carbon Stars / T. Lloyd Evans. CCD Four-Color Observations of BHB and FHB Stars: An Example of Photometry Complementing Spectroscopy in Stellar Classification / A.G.D. Philip
Intrinsic Colors of MK Types in the Geneva Photometric System / B. Hauck
The Geneva Multicolor Photometric System as a Complementary Tool of Spectroscopic Spectral Classification / M. Golay
The MK Classification of B-Type Stars as seen by Geneva Photometry / N. Cramer
Physical Data from Spectroscopy and High Precision Photometry / B. Nicolet
Information Theory as a Tool for Extracting the Best Information Relevant to Spectral Classification from Geneva Photometry / J. Guarinos and M. Golay
Fifty Years Ago: Astronomy; Yerkes Observatory; Morgan, Keenan, Kellman / D.E. Osterbrock
Reminiscences on Antonia Maury and the c-Characteristic / D. Hoffleit
Angelo Secchi and the Discovery of Carbon Stars / M.F. McCarthy
Newton's Rainbow: From a Hole in the Wall to a Window on the Universe / J. Rountree
The MK Process in Action Today / C.J. Corbally
The Spectroscopic Properties of M Dwarfs in the Two Micron Region / P.C. Boeshaar and T.J. Davidge
Near-Infrared Spectra of A-Type Stars / A.V. Torres-Dodgen
Post-Asymptotic-Giant-Branch Supergiants / M. Parthasarathy
A Calibrated System for Low Resolution Spectral Classification / B.A. Meyers-Rice and E.T. Young
Spectral Classification with the IUE: An Atlas of B-Type Spectra / J. Rountree and G. Sonneborn. International Ultraviolet Explorer Atlas of B-Type Spectra from 1200-1900 A / N.R. Walborn, J. Wm. Parker and J.S. Nichols
The Michigan Survey and the Continuing Importance of Spectral Surveys / N. Houk
Automated Classification of Stellar Spectra: Where are we now? / T. von Hippel, L.J. Storrie-Lombardi, M.C. Storrie-Lombardi and M.J. Irwin
Neural-Network Classification of Normal, WN, and A-type stars / Wm. B. Weaver
Automatic Spectral Classification Using Metric Distance Techniques / J. LaSala
Digital Spectral Classification of Stars: An Automated Method / B.E. Penprase
MK Classification in the Direction of the Galaxy Anticenter / K.B. Chargeishvili
Present State of the Work on Automated Spectral Classification by Means of Objective-Prism Spectra / V. Malyuto and T. Shvelidze
Faint, Cool Supergiants in the Southern Milky Way / D.J. MacConnell, R.F. Wing and E. Costa
Spectral Classification from Low-Resolution CCD Long-Slit Spectra / H. Hensberge, W. Verschueren and J. Rogl
Aitoff Projection Plots for Stars in Volumes 1-4 of the Michigan Spectral Catalogue / S.K. Austin, N. Houk and J.R. Sowell
Electronic reproduction, [Place of publication not identified], HathiTrust Digital Library, 2023

