Earth's evolving systems : the history of planet Earth
Print Book,English, ©2013
Jones & Bartlett Learning, Sudbury, MA, ©2013
xix, 698 pages : color illustrations, color maps ; 28 cm
9780763780012, 9781449648909, 0763780014, 1449648908
Note continued: 14.4.2. Vertebrates
14.5. Diversification of the Terrestrial Biosphere
14.5.1. Plants
14.5.2. Early evolution and diversification of mammals
14.5.3. Archaic mammals
14.5.4. Climate change and mammals
14.5.5. Diversification of modern mammals
14.5.6. Birds
14.6. Extinction: Glaciers, Volcanoes, and Impacts
14.7. Summary
Sources and Further Reading
Key Terms
Review Questions
Food for Thought
ch. 15 The Neogene: The Iceman Cometh
15.1. Introduction to the Neogene
15.2. Tectonics and Sedimentation
15.2.1. Europe, Asia, and Africa
15.2.2. Central and South America
15.2.3. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of North America
15.2.4. Western North America
15.2.5. West Coast of North America
15.2.6. Evolution of the San Andreas Fault system
15.3. How Was the West Widened? Evolution of the Basin and Range
15.3.1. Background
15.3.2. Hypotheses for the formation of the Basin and Range
15.4. Climate, Ocean Circulation, and Chemistry
15.5. The "Ice Ages": Evolution of a Theory
15.5.1. Background
15.5.2. The eccentricity of James Croll
15.5.3. Precession of the equinoxes
15.5.4. Milutin Milankovitch and obliquity
15.5.5. Planktonic foraminifera and the oxygen isotope curve
15.6. Neogene Life
15.6.1. Marine life
15.6.2. Land plants
15.6.3. Terrestrial vertebrates
15.6.4. Evolution of humans
15.7. Extinction
15.8. Summary
Sources and Further Reading
Key Terms
Review Questions
Food for Thought
pt. IV Humans and the Environment
ch. 16 Rapid Climate Change During the Holocene
16.1. Introduction to the Holocene
16.2. Beginning of the Holocene
16.2.1. Sea-level rise
16.2.2. Younger Dryas
16.3. Rapid Climate Change on Millennial Time Scales
16.3.1. Rapid climate change involving the oceans
16.3.2. Rapid climate change on land
16.4. Rapid Climate Change on Centennial Time Scales
16.5. Rapid Climate Change on Interdecadal to Multidecadal Time Scales
16.6. Climatic Modes and Climatic Irreversibility
16.7. Summary
Sources and Further Reading
Key Terms
Review Questions
Food for Thought
ch. 17 Humans and Earth Systems: Past, Present, and Future
17.1. Introduction
17.2. Examples of Human-Climate Interactions During the Last Millennium
17.3. Brief History of the Growing Dependence on Fossil Fuels
17.4. Alternative Energy Sources and Technologies
17.4.1. Wind, geothermal, and solar energy
17.4.2. Hydroelectric power
17.4.3. Nuclear energy
17.4.4. Methane gas hydrates
17.4.5. Biofuels
17.4.6. Automobiles
17.5. Consequences of Anthropogenic Warming
17.5.1. Temperature change
17.5.2. Sea-level rise
17.5.3. Storms
17.5.4. Fisheries
17.5.5. Precipitation patterns
17.5.6. Disease
17.6. Biodiversity and Extinction
17.7. Closer to Home
17.8. Why Should We Care and What Can Be Done?
17.9. Summary
Sources and Further Reading
Key Terms
Review Questions
Food for Thought
ch. 18 Days of Future Past: Science, Society, and the Nature of Nature
18.1. Ockham's Razor
18.2. Experimental and Historical Sciences
18.2.1. Hypothesis testing
18.2.2. Cause and effect
18.2.3. Laws and history
18.3. Nature of Earth Systems
18.3.1. Deep time
18.3.2. Scale, process, and measurement
18.3.3. Directionality and evolution
18.3.4. General characteristics of Earth's systems
18.4. Notion of Progress
18.5. Science and Society
18.6. Summary
Sources and Further Reading
Key Terms
Review Questions