


Front cover image for New keywords : a revised vocabulary of culture and society

New keywords : a revised vocabulary of culture and society

"What does culture mean to us today? In New Keywords, three luminaries in the field of cultural studies have assembled a volume showcasing 142 signed entries that capture the practices, institutions, and debates of contemporary society. Almost thirty years ago Raymond Williams's Keywords set the standard for how we understand and use the language of culture and society. New Keywords reflects the transformation in culture and society since 1976 and is a state-of-the-art reference for students, teachers, and culture vultures everywhere."--Jacket
eBook,English, 2005
Blackwell Pub., Malden, MA, 2005
Glossaries, vocabularies, etc
1 online resource (xxvi, 427 pages)
9781405141321, 9786611213725, 1405141328, 6611213724
Print version:
A Aesthetics Alternative Art Audience
B Behavior Biology Body Bureaucracy
C Canon Capitalism Celebrity Citizenship City Civilization Class Colonialism Commodity Communication Community Conservatism Consumption Copy Country Culture
D Deconstruction Democracy Desire Development Diaspora Difference Disability Discipline Discourse
E Economy Education Elite Emotion Empirical Environment/Ecology Equality Ethnicity Everyday Evolution Experience
F Family Fashion Feminism Fetish Freedom Fundamentalism
G Gay and Lesbian Gender Gene/Genetic Generation Globalization Government
H Heritage History Holocaust Home Human Human Rights
I Identity Ideology Image Indigenous Individual Industry Information Intellectual
J Justice K Knowledge
L Liberalism M Management
Marginal Market Mass Materialism Media Memory Mobility Modern Movements Multiculturalism
N Narrative Nation Nature Network Normal
O Objectivity Other Orientalism
P Participation Person Place Political correctness Policy Popular Pornography Postcolonialism Postmodernism Poverty Power Pragmatism Private Public
Q Queer
R Race Radical Reason Reform and Revolution Relativism Representation Resistance Risk
S Science Self Sexuality Sign Socialism Society Sovereignty Space Spectacle State
T Taste Technology Text Theory Therapy Time Tolerance Tourism
U Unconscious Utopia
V Value Virtual
W Welfare West, the Work Writing
Y Youth Notes on Editors and Contributors
Revised edition of: Keywords / Raymond Williams. 1985

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