


Front cover image for From ascending rooms to express elevators : a history of the passenger elevator in the 19th century

From ascending rooms to express elevators : a history of the passenger elevator in the 19th century

Print Book,English, ©2002
Elevator World, Inc., Mobile, AL, ©2002
viii, 316 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
9781886536463, 1886536465
Technological origins: freight hoists in England and America, 1800-1860
Ascending rooms and vertical railways: the passenger elevator, 1800-1860
An emerging industry. Part 1. Mechanical refinements and expanded use: freight and passenger elevators in the 1860s
New settings and new problems: the elevator and the early skyscraper, 1870 to 1875
An emerging industry. Part 2. The hydraulic elevator, 1870 to 1900
An emerging industry. Part 3. New technology, old ideas and innovations: the electric elevator, 1880 to 1900
From ascending rooms to express elevators: the elevator and the skyscraper, 1880 to 1900
The amelioration of elevator accidents: safety, the public and the elevator industry in the 19th century

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