


Front cover image for Mechanical behavior of materials

Mechanical behavior of materials

This text presents a treatment of the principles of the mechanical behaviour of materials. Its focus is on the relationship amongst macroscopic properties, material microstructure and the fundamental concepts of bonding and crystal structure.
Print Book,English, 2000
McGraw Hill, Boston, 2000
xviii, 733 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
9780070285941, 9780071161718, 9781577664253, 0070285942, 0071161716, 1577664256
1 Overview of Mechanical Behavior2 Elastic Behavior3 Dislocations4 Plastic Deformation in Single and Polycrystalline Materials5 Strengthening of Crystalline Materials6 Composite Materials7 High-Temperature Deformation of Crystalline Materials8 Deformation of Noncrystalline Materials9 Fracture Mechanics10 Toughening Mechanisms and the Physics of Fracture11 High-Temperature 12 Fatigue of Engineering Materials13 Embrittlement14 Cellular Solids

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