


Front cover image for Many Thousands Gone : The First Two Centuries of Slavery in North America

Many Thousands Gone : The First Two Centuries of Slavery in North America

Ira Berlin (Author)
A leading historian of southern and African-American life traces the evolution of black society in America from its creation in the early 17th century through the American Revolution. Berlin reveals the diverse forms that slavery and freedom assumed before cotton was king.
Print Book,English, 1998
Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1998
x, 497 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm
9780674810921, 9780674002111, 0674810929, 0674002113
* Prologue: Making Slavery, Making Race * Societies with Slaves: The Charter Generations * Emergence of Atlantic Creoles in the Chesapeake * Expansion of Creole Society in the North * Divergent Paths in the Lowcountry * Devolution in the Lower Mississippi Valley * Slave Societies: The Plantation Generations * The Tobacco Revolution in the Chesapeake * The Rice Revolution in the Lowcountry * Growth and the Transformation of Black Life in the North * Stagnation and Transformation in the Lower Mississippi Valley * Slave and Free: The Revolutionary Generations * The Slow Death of Slavery in the North * The Union of African-American Society in the Upper South * Fragmentation in the Lower South * Slavery and Freedom in the Lower Mississippi Valley * Epilogue: Making Race, Making Slavery * Tables * Abbreviations * Notes * Acknowledgments * Index Electronic access restricted; authentication may be required:

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