


Front cover image for Cargill : going global

Cargill : going global

This second volume of the "biography" of America's largest privately held company picks up where Wayne Broehl's highly acclaimed Cargill: Trading the World's Grain left off. The year is 1960; Cargill has evolved from a pioneering grain trading firm to a giant whose enterprises include milling, seed production, livestock feeds, insurance, specialty steel products, metals trading, and even the construction of its own Mississippi River barges. At this crucial point in the company's life, the first non-family CEO and only the fourth in the firm's history, Erwin Kelm, is tapped for the company's top post
Print Book,English, ©1998
University Press of New England, Hanover, NH, ©1998
xvi, 419 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
9780874518542, 0874518547
An attack of angst : Assessing a new management team ; Erv Kelm as chief executive officer ; Farm policy uproar and Cargill’s middents plan ; “Food for peace” ; The European economic community and its common agricultural policy ; Two uneasy years ; “Can chase help us?” ; Tightening the organization ; Nutrena and Tradax brought closer to Cargill ; A russian bombshell: wheat purchases ; “Comfort levels” rise markedly
A return, an unexpected result : The futures market ; May 1963 - the company goes long ; A digression about previous dealings in oats ; A Spanish sale and the last day of trading ; CEA charges: manipulation of price ; The company becomes a crusader ; The wheat case: a reprise ; “Boss town” of the country ; Cargill’s centennial celebration ; A more substantive look at this 100-year-old company ; Some postscripts ; How should the company organize internationally?
India’s hunger, beachhead in Japan, a tragedy : “Aggressive diversification” ; Innovating in Japan’s backyard ; Cargill aspires to be a “first mover” ; Cargo carriers - a “cash cow”? ; Corn milling: small beginnings - but wow! ; Salt: backhaul success ; Fire ; Aftermaths ; A new calamity ; The green revolution ; Riding a rollercoaster: the international grains arrangement ; Cargill’s 1967-1968 results: keeping the pace? ; “Serious difficulties”
Three strong years : “Startling” disclosures ; Cargill seeds in Argentina ; Working again in Brazil ; Cargill seeds in the United States ; Blight! ; Cargill fights the blight ; “Market domination” in seed? ; A seed sale to Iraq has unfortunate results ; Dedication to training, generation two ; Bomb threats ; “Three strong years” - the substance ; Cargill performance versus the industry ; The seven major food processors ; Cargill passes continental?
A surprise: the Russians again buy grain : Cargill and continental score again ; Startingly large deals are struck ; The Russians want credit ; “The Russians are here” ; Cargill’s struggle for sales ; A next tranche ; The markets wake up ; Export subsidies are terminated - not cleanly ; Two-tier system and telephone calls to the “big six” ; Path of disclosure or lack thereof ; The special importance of the July sales ; A “revolving door” controversy ; Were the farmers “cheated of profits”? ; Travails of the wheat export subsidy program ; A fall season of high politics ; Hassles about shipping the wheat ; The remarkable record crop year, 1972-1973
Years of high drama ; How much in dividends? ; Deepening management ; Loosening constraints ; “No dabbling in small ventures” ; New acquisitions, new directions ; The soybean embargo of 1973 ; How the industry - and Cargill - handled the soybean crisis ; Required to report - but to whom? ; Inflation becomes a bugaboo ; Allegations of “boxcar blackmail” ; Small-quantity problems in Iowa ; A new player - the house committee on small business ; Settling the “boxcar blackmail” issue - ex parte no. 307
The “grain scandal” : The controversy broadens ; Fred Seed speaks ; Cargill tries an “op ed” ; The Russians - again! ; Reaffirming Cargill’s integrity ; The Cargill affirmative action program ; Are “overages” a sign of cheating? ; Finally, Cargill also is drawn in ; A new grain standards law
The multinational hearings : Cargill’s attempt to take over the Missouri Portland cement company ; Senator Church’s unpleasant surprise ; The Russians queried ; Swiss authorities intrude ; The GAO report informs ; The heady days of June ; Senator Percy urges a change of heart ; The executive session ; The first day: newspaper headlines ; Cargill on the stand ; Will large profits be misinterpreted? ; Tradax revisited ; The church subcommittee calls it quits ; The federal trade commission backs off ; Assessing the subcommittee on multinational corporations hearings ; The knotty question of bribery abroad ; Revelations abound ; Cargill discloses its irregular payments ; “Soviet graindoggle” ; The farmers pull a surprise
The Cargill culture - a reprise : The Kelm years ; Two decades: preparation, fruition ; The 1970s - halcyon, then turbulent ; Diversification, becoming global ; Organizational déjà vu ; Was the “Cargill culture” still relevant? ; Transition, family leadership again ; The Kelm years - an afterword
"This book ... carried the history of the firm through the years 1960-1978"--Ackn

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