


Front cover image for Improving inquiry in social science : a volume in honor of Lee J. Cronbach

Improving inquiry in social science : a volume in honor of Lee J. Cronbach

Print Book,English, 1991
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, N.J., 1991
xiv, 423 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
9780805805420, 9780805807486, 0805805427, 0805807489
Contents: R.E. Snow, D.E. Wiley, Straight Thinking. P.E. Meehl, Why Summaries of Research on a Psychological Theory are Often Uninterpretable. D.W. Fiske, Macropsychology and Micropsychology: Natural Categories and Natural Kinds. D.E. Wiley, Test Validity and Invalidity Revisited. J.B. Carroll, A. Meade, E.S. Johnson, Test Analysis With the Person Characteristic Function: Implications for Defining Abilities. G.C. Gleser, L. Crespo da Silva, A Multivariate Generalizability Approach to MMPI Profiles. S. Messick, Psychology and Methodology of Response Styles. D.T. Campbell, C.S. Reichardt, Problems in Assuming the Comparability of Pretest and Posttest in Autoregressive and Growth Models. D. Rogosa, Examining ATI Analyses Using Models for Individual Growth and Models for Individual Differences in Response to Intervention. R.E. Snow, The Concept of Aptitude. R.L. Thorndike, Is There Any Future for Intelligence? J.T. Hastings, Tyler's Behavioral Objectives: Background Sources, Early Use, and Some Streamoffs. R.W. Tyler, Developing Tests to Assist in the Improvement of Education. V. Shute, R. Glaser, An Intelligent Tutoring System for Exploring Principles of Economics. H. Azuma, In Illinois and Japan: Lee Cronbach as a Mentor. L. Burstein, M. M. Ravitch, R.J. Shavelson, N.N. Webb, "I'm Sorry But...": Our Intellectual Heritage from Lee Cronbach. L.J. Cronbach, Methodological Studies--A Personal Retrospective.

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