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I should probably first say that I have not yet finished the game, but I'm working on it and I really like it so far. However one possible bug that I have noticed since playing 4.7 and now on playing 4.8 is the game sometimes skips a single dialogue box as if it thinks I double tapped a button. I've tested my mouse on other programs and tried a different mouse and even my keyboard, but the game still sometimes skips dialogue as if it thinks I clicked a button twice insanely quick. This doesn't happen on any other programs that I have so I think it's some kind of input bug on the game's end. I don't know if anyone else has reported this or if it has happened to them. If it is possible perhaps you could test to see if this happens to your gameplay as well. If it doesn't happen then it might be something on my computer's end (my laptop is pretty old) but I just wanted to let you know since this only happens when I play this game. Regardless, I really like the game and have been enjoying the story. Much love.
I only recently started the game over on 4.8 but so far the scenes that I remember it happening on was the player's dialogue on responding to Rickon's demand of paying him, then when giving Drackey the player's name and when checking the object that Rickon dropped. At first I thought it might have been from me holding down the mouse button to skip the dialogue I've already read but then it skipped again when asking Corsica why she was sitting at the same table in the restaurant and I wasn't holding down the button to skip through beforehand. I mostly just use the mouse but I did test using the spacebar and it still did skip. Testing it again (at least on 4.8) so far it seems to mostly happen to the dialogue box after being given a choice to make. However, I remember when playing on 4.7 during the time when the player helps to look for Corsica's lost ring a dialogue box skipped when we were in the apartment with Corsica's roommate (I forgot her name) and I think it skipped at just a random interval but it could have skipped after being given the choice at the roommate's laptop, I can't remember when.
I loved it. I can see the many ideas that got set aside as developed continued that can give it a little unfinished feel such as picking species and the coins but the overall story was vary coherent and thought out. The side characters where fun one off romps too. Would love to see more from ScylezStudios
yeah, the coins and the clothes were two features that originally were planned to have a lot more involvement but the project and story ballooned to be so massive they got dropped so I could finish what I had. But I left them in because after I finish my current projects it's entirely possible for me to go back and actually include some of the things I wish were in the game. But I'm really glad you enjoyed it!!! And thank you for playing <3 Down the road when I finish some of my other projects or the sequel VN I'd love for you to come back and try it out as well :)
So tried the game for a little bit, made it to just past very first night out with the guys, and have to ask, is it normal for them to go nude? They weren't wearing clothes then or during the scene the following morning and don't know if it was a bug or not. Was playing on the Android version on a tablet.
You are the first person to ever ask for a mac build XD but unfortunately I have no way to test on a mac. It'd be risky to release an untested build so sadly a mac build probably won't happen soon.
And yeah, Helios is unfortunately only in that one specific scene. There's always a chance he'll get more screen time in the future ^^ but if so it'd be after I finish up the next VN
I have just gotten through my first playthrough of this game, it is great I look forward to seeing what the sequel will truly come to be. I will be doing another playthrough mainly to get to the second date with Izzy. Anyways one question, what is the point of the Dracoins and Outfits you find throughout the map? Are they just collectables with little to no consequence on the story or something more?
love the game
Thanks for the kind words :3
Dracoins and Outfits were originally planned to do a lot more in the game but that feature got cut as development went on. Originally dracoins were going to be required for the good ending, and also be used to purchase outfits. outfits were going to give unique dialogue too. Now they're just around as collectables mostly. The outfits do still have a tiny influence on your final love. All characters have some outfits they like and dislike.
There are some flowcharts within the game that give a basic overview of how scene's progress.
There's also some info here:
Not sure if that really counts as a guide though. Unfortunately there's nothing created yet that shows specifics on what options to choose to get certain outcomes
Late reply. sorry. but here you go. Hopefully this will help a little. Bonus and mini scenes do happen randomly if you don't have the free explore enabled. If you do use free explore, they can all be found on the overworld. And if you miss something and really want to see it you can always choose it from the scene picker ^^
Bonus Scenes
Mini Scenes
At the end of scene 2 (Drackey's party), accept Scylez's invite to get his first date. And then in scene 9 (Game night), have Blinki go pick up the food. This will prompt Scylez to invite you to dinner for his second date. You have to have seen the first date to see the second date. Hope that helps!
Here's some ideas for improvements:
You can add the MC's facial expression sprites on the bottom left corner.
More CGs for the NSFW scenes instead of one.
Text box options such as rollback.
If possible, update the sprites or CGs to match the characters' appearance.
But other than that, I enjoyed it so far!
Yes! I actually got my moment with the Rhino (and completely by accident). Too bad I can't keep him. Ah well. I've been having fun so far but I found a minor bug. The Arthropod Treasure side quest pointer doesn't disappear after you complete it. The sparkly rectangle isn't there anymore but the pointer remains making you think there's a side quest there.
for me it's mostly just really easy to accidentally select a choice while skipping through text after reverting cause I either made a choice I didn't want to or want to do differently than an option I wanted to explore, and there's not really a nice medium skipping pace, holding down the space bar is really fast for example, I would love a rollback ability but I don't know if that requires an entirely different engine or something and might be too much to ask, obviously this is all just suggestion, I love the game and will play regardless
ahhh rollback feature is for sure possible. At some point I'll probably figure out how to get it done in the next VN since that one's got a bunch of experimental stuff going on and then I'll pull the code over to this one after it's stable. That, and being able to save anywhere are two of the bigger feature requests for these VN's which makes sense
Oh you can save anywhere. When you play, every now and then a little notification should pop up that you hit a "checkpoint" and when you save and load, it'll load back to the most recent checkpoint. Not ideal I know, but the checkpoints happen pretty often so it works for now. When I say a save anywhere feature is in the works, I mean a true save anywhere system without these checkpoints and where the game will load in right to the exact line you saved at.
I am super happy to see you adding a few morsels here and there to my fave visual novel - or tied for fave (Chasing Shadows, Second Chance - a three way!). I'm determined to be busy writing on my own novel for about a month, but after that I'll be making another dive into Skalan. I'm hoping to see an update on CS soon too!
By the way, I love the depth of the story! It does make it tricky sometimes, like finding my way into Izzy's second date.
I think the art is great but a bit inconsistent in terms of style, the storyline is somewhat too intense, theres no rollback function, and there isn't an ability to change modes when you lock it in.
But one of the main issues is that you can't load your saves in the menu. You have to go through loading a mew game and THEN will you be able to access your journal. Another one is not enough spicy scenes. I get it, a great game needs some depth, but this game offers nsfw capabilities, so I really think more nsfw scenes should be added to the game (all natural mode doesn't cut it, although, it is a great idea! Definitely keep it.) My final thought is a step by step guide on how to get close enough to each character. I feel like it could help many of us out.
Some great points you hit are your writing abilities. I would bet that you took college courses on writing if you ended up with this amount of skill. Another one is the depth of the game. Like, holy shit, this is deeper than the mu-fuggin Mariana Trench. I personally don't like it, but someone else definitely will! (If you could make an easy going mode and an in depth mode, that would be great as well!) The art is superb, even if it is a bit inconsistent. You have cartoon characters over here and then detailed characters over there, but never do they look bad. All of them look amazing all the time.
This doesn't mean I'll stop playing though. I kind of like the detail this game goes into. It makes me feel like I actually have a crime syndicate in my town that I need to worry about and/or involve myself in sooner or later.
Obviously, I know my critiques and criticisms might blow over your head since you have a lot on your plate. That or you don't have any care for them. I'm not asking you to fulfill my wishes, I wouldn't do that unless I was commissioning a game. I simply wish to submit my ideas and response to the game.
Great game. Would recommend. 8/10 from me.
I actually am working on a sequel to this game right now ^^ and I always take into consideration feedback. I think this game ended up with 17 total lewd scenes scattered through it but more is always better. I do want the games to stand on their own without the lewd content so I sprinkle them in when they seem appropriate. I am, however, hoping to include more in the next game with some more interesting variety. Rollback function is another big feature request that I'd like to add. That and saving anywhere instead of checkpoints are two big requests. I've got the programming done to save anywhere, and I think I have a good idea on how to make rollback work nicely so with any luck they'll both make an appearance. Mode change would be nice too and could easily be added into the pause menu. If I get some spare time I might update Chasing Tail with that feature anyway. I do have a pending update with a few bug fixes and an 18th lewd scene prepped to be added still ^^
I'm sorry with the late reply x.x Seems my email didn't like giving me notifications. What you need to do is take her story when searching her apartment in scene 8 and this will open up an option later to see her first date right after. Then after scene 12 when Izzy invites you to hang out, accept which will give you her second date.
Sorry for the late reply. Notifications haven't been working and I decided to check the page and see a bunch of new unanswered messages x.x
Assuming you saw his first date in the middle of Scene 5, you can get his second date by picking the right options in Scene 9 (game night). You need to either not have stolen Izzy's story, or don't tell Blinki you did. Then later when the choice of food comes up, let the group know you'd prefer Scylez's choice. Him and Jane will leave you and Blinki alone. This small interaction will prompt Blinki to show up the next day and invite you on a second date.
Hope that helps!
Thanks for the tip, I want his second date because of all other character, hi is look sad (judging by art), and I want him to be a more happy. And I'm personally more forward to winged dragon type.
About game itself, it maybe sound a little selfish, or crazy, but i have lack of hero personalization, what i mean is how my hero actually look's like depend on race, which color you body have, some body(scale or fur) pattern (colorable), scar's, horn type's, and etc. I miss some actual stats of my hero, depend on chosen race, like benefits, affinities (choosable), and ofcourse some downsides (based on benefits, affinities and race). Lewd scenes missing of my actual hero representation visually, based on race and how my hero actually look's like, or at least race and body type (M or F) . Some lewd scenes could (need) to be changed basen on race and hoo is my hero, male or female.
And yeah, 10 out of 10. But story transgression is way to hasty...
sorry for not replying, I either missed the notification or didn't get one. But there's not really a guide for each character sadly. The best resource I can provide is the flowcharts within the game, but if I get ambitious enough I could try to throw together something and put it up on the game page sometime.
Hey Scylez, good to see your still updating the game! I havnt played in a while (when you released the mini map update was the last time i did a play through) Anyways Its good to see your still active, although I must admit I was surprised to still see you working on this. For the most part the game seems to have been done for a while. I was actually wondering If you were working on / planning any new projects?
Either way its good to see you still creating, and yes I still love all your characters (obviously the scallies the most, but I might be biased!) Best wishes to you!
Sorry for not replying, I either missed the notification or didn't get one :\ but yep I'm still working on this little by little. It's been done for the most part for quite a while now but there are still little bugs and spelling errors that get reported to me so It's worthwhile to correct them. But there is a little more bonus content I'm planning on adding at some point too, but it may be a while before that since, as other's have said, I started working on the sequel VN to this. I'm calling it Chasing Shadows, so that's what most of my effort has been going towards these days ^^
Sorry for not replying, I either missed the notification or didn't get one :\ but there aren't really any secret endings. There's the good, neutral, and bad ending, and then the good ending can have either one or all ten of the romance options show up. Those are the only ending variations at the moment ^^
Love Jane the most and the chef character I wished was dateable. Turning a bad lady to good would've been fun to do. Wished there was a lewd scene with her and Jane. How do you save Blinki? I beat the game and it said I sold him out but I'm not sure on what I did. Lastly, who is the nice stranger that is mentioned?
A lewd scene with the Chef would have been a fun one. She's got a fun personality to write for and that could have gotten into some kinky stuff. I'll never say never, and maybe someday it'll get added ;3
Spoilers below
And the easiest way way to save blinki is either to give Ravonaar Izzy's story, or to make up an address when asked where he lives. One of those two should work
The kind stranger is the purple argonian in the first scene. He's missable and only appears if you go outside with no clothes or by seeing the mini scene in that free explore section.
Honestly had a nice blast with this one. There were some issues with the browser version and screen resolution, and the save system being slightly wonky at times, but the content was there and kept me hooked all the way.
For the navigation sections in the Pokemon-like town, maybe a sprint option would be nice. Especially when having to walk from one corner of town to the next.
I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D Thank you for trying it out and giving my little game a chance.
Sadly some of the resolution problems I need to live with because of the size restrictions of games :\ but hopefully I can fix up the save system in the next game and remove the wonkyness. I am making a little bug report document though and I'll add sprint to it for a wish list item. That would be a good thing to add in an update and have in the next game too!
There still will be some new content for the game, but the creation is very very slow since most of my focus has shifted to the sequel. There are two bonus / sex scenes that I'd like to make with characters that are already in the game ^^ One of those scenes is being worked on and maybe 75% finished. But I still wouldn't recommend waiting for them specifically because I can't promise when they'll be added.
It might not be a walkthrough in the more typical sense of the word, but if you download the game and go to the "more options" section there's a menu item for scene flowcharts that will give you a good idea of how each option affects the outcome of the scene. They're a little harder to read in the web version though since I had to reduce the size of all the images so I could fit the whole game on the site here. At some point I should probably write up an actual walkthrough though
i don't know if i got the official good end but i consider it pretty good .
my only sorrow is the kitten man, why'd he have to go snooping around and screwing himself over, i was almost beginning to like him but at least he was still alive at the end.
i'll take a small break from the game and come back to see about doing things differently. definitely earned a spot in my gems collection :)
not that this means much technically because i'm not posting on social media right now for reasons not entirely in my control but still well done.
Glad you gave the game a shot and it sounds like you enjoyed it ^^ after the game finishes before the credits it should tell you if you received the good, neutral, or bad ending but the good ending does have a few variations, I suppose the best ending would be everyone alive and everyone at the festive but it's a bit tricky to get. It's really awesome to know it's considered a gem by you at least :3
well 'good' is very subjective i suppose , and yes i had enjoyed it. but i might be a bit bias towards the game because of it being a visual novel style and also it having dragons in it XD.
i have a total of 118 games that catched my eye but not all of them i've played yet, good majority of them though, 19 of those have added to my gems collection.
I really love myself a good story which is kinds of why i love visual novels since they are pretty much entirely story but unlike text adventures they also have some graphics sprinkled which is a pretty nice bonus to break up the walls of text.
though im not completely opposed to walls of text which can be seen in games like orrias but orrias has not made it into the gems, it's close but not there yet, just a bit too much repetition.
That's one of the reasons I thought her character was kinda fun was because she's such a nonchalant but mysteriously dangerous character. It's hinted that she could be from the Shadow Lands in her mini scene, and it's very possible I'll include a little more information about her or some small details in the next game ;D I had a few ideas that still could come to light but I can't reveal x3
That being said it's always possible that more scenes or story could be added in Chasing Tail too. I do still have some more planned updates, It's all just about getting to them and getting them done x3