Let’s fly Tello with Scratch 3.0!
Scratch3-Tello is software that allows you to program Tello using Scratch 3.0.
It is implemented as an extension of Scratch 3.0, which is widely used in programming education, so there is no need to learn how to use the software and you can concentrate on programming the drone.
Scratch3-Tello isFREE to use.No permission or copyright notice is required for use. It can be used freely in educational activities, workshops, programming schools, and training programs.
By using Scratch 3.0, learners will not be confused by differences in the interface.
It is also compatible with the Tello EDU mission pad.
Go toReleases on GitHub and download the appropriate file for your OS.
The installation guide for each operating system is here. Please be sure to read it as it also includes notes on launching the software.