- For the toun in Syunik province, seeYeghvard, Syunik.
Yeghvard (Armenie:Եղվարդ;Romanisit asYevgard,Yegvart,Yegvard,Eghvard, anJegward an aw) is a ceety in theKotayk Province oArmenie. Yeghvard is ane o the auldest dounsets, it is full o different periods an teeps o valuable airchitectural monuments. Thare are three kirks in the ceety. In the centre is a sma domit kirk o Surb Astvatsatsin kent asYeghvard Kirk o 1301 an aw wi the foondation o anither kirk adjacent, ruins oKatoghike Kirk, a muckle triple-nave basilica biggit in the 5t tae 6t centuries locatit northwast o S. Astvatsatsin, an a sm Saunt Sargis Kirk. In the toun near the kirk o S. Astvatsatsin locatit atween hooses is a Surb Astvatsatsin shrine. The shrine is a stepped pillar similar tae ane that mey be seen in the toun oAvan, an haes a carvin o a wumman on three o the faces. A muckle new project will be made cried Lakeside Resorts kent as the Masis, Sis an New Armenie. It will be a 4 saison paradise attractin tourists aw year roond. The project is expectit tae be completit bi the year 2015.
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