Wintersun is a metal baund fraeFinland. The foonder an heidmaist member is guitarist/lilter Jari Mäenpää, the umwhile frontman oFowk metal baundEnsiferum.
While pairt oEnsiferum, Jari Mäenpää haed aye wrocht on his ain sangs that he nevir brocht tae the baund (forby the material he did scrieve for thaim, o coorse). This didna hae the same fowk metal feel tae it, an wis mair personal tae him in a leerical sense - sae he didna jalouse they wad fit weel on an Ensiferum record. Feelin that he needit tae record thir sangs unner a deeferent name, he sortit studio time in 2004 for the albumWintersun.
Unfortunate-like, thir sessions clashed wi the tour that wis tae propale Ensiferum's seicont album,Iron; sae Mäenpää haed tae wale whither Ensiferum or Wintersun wis gaun tae be mair important for him. He waled Wintersun, an quat Ensiferum, bein replaced in thon baund bi Peteri Lindroos.
The albumWintersun wis made up o sangs Mäenpää haed wrate atween 1995 an 2003, an wis recordit hailly bi Mäenpää himsel, forby the drums that wis played bi Kai Hahto. O coorse, tae play live it wad be needfu tae hae mair members, sae Mäenpää's auld freend an umwhile Eniferum drummer Oliver Fokkin wis recruitit as a seicont guitarist, while Jukka Koskinen jyned on bass. Fokkin quat suin efter an wis replaced bi Teemu Mäntysaari. This line-up haes toured an wrocht on the recordin o the baund's seicont album,Time an aw, that is tae be a concept album anent time. Due tae a wheen technical fankles, the album haes been delayed twa-three times, an is nou expectit some time in 2008.
Wintersun jynes thegither mair nor twa-three kynds o metal; symphonic,daith,Black metal, prog,Pouer metal - e'en a tait fowk. Their muisic is gey complex, an for ordinar melodic. Tho haird tae define staucht aff, Mäenpää haes said gin pressed he wad descrive their muisic as "Extreme Majestic Technical Epic Melodic Metal."