Winsum (
pronunciation (help·info)) is amunicipality an atoun in the northeastrenNetherlands.
The toun o Winsum wis offeecially establisht in 1057 as the fusion o three historic veelages:Obergum (North), Winsum (centre) anBellingeweer (Sooth). The majority o the toun's 8,000 inhabitantscommute tae the nearbi ceetyroningen.
The toun boasts twa tradeetional Dutch wind mills, twa historic kirks, twacanals, an ane o the Netherlands' auldest taverns. The twa mills, "De Ster" ("The Starn") an "De Vriendschap" ("The Friendship") wur built in 1851 an 1801 respectively. The biggin that the tavern "De Gouden Karper" ("The Gowden Carp") nou occupees haes been in uise as a tavern syne the 16t century, an is the auldest (unverifee'd) in the Netherlands.
Winsum is a sister ceety wi the PolsLubraniec .
Abbeweer,Adorp,Aduarderzijl,Alinghuizen,Allersma,Antum,Arwerd,Baflo,Bellingeweer,Beswerd,Bolshuizen,Dingen,De Raken,De Vennen,Den Andel,Duisterwinkel,Ernstheem,Ezinge,Feerwerd,Garnwerd,Groot Wetsinge,Hammeland,Hardeweer,Harssens,Hekkum,Hiddingezijl,Klein Wetsinge,Krassum,Lutje Marne,Lutke Saaksum,Maarhuizen,Obergum,Oldenzijl,Oostum,Ranum,Rasquert,Saaxumhuizen,Sauwerd,Schapehals,Schaphalsterzijl,Schilligeham,Schifpot,Het Schoor,Suttum,Takkebos,Tijum,Tinallinge,Valkum,Wierum,Wierumerschouw,Wildeveld an Winsum.