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Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge
For ither uises, seethe airchitectural featur,the scientific phenomena, anwaw (science).
A stane waw hainin a ceety.

Awaw is a vertical sinderin surface. It sinders space in biggins intae rooms or pertects or picturs a space in the appen air. It is for ordinar makkit oot ostane orbrick. Waws hae twa main ettles: tae haud up the tap pairt o biggins, an for tae sinder space, giein pertection fraeinvasion anwather.

Aforeartillery wis cleckit, monyceeties inEurope haedpertective waws. Sin thay arena suitable for defence ony mair, the waws hae been connacht.

Kynds o waw

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  • Dyke - A stane or truf waw (truf dyke), whiles rarely a hedge.
  • Hallan - A ben waw or pairple aften makkin a entry or passage

See Forby

[eedit |eedit soorce]
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