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Vytautas (Lithuanian:Aboot this soondVytautas Didysis (help·info),Belaroushie:Вітаўт,Pols:Witold Kiejstutowicz; styled "the Great" frae the 15t century onwards; c. 1350 – October 27, 1430) wis ane o the maist famous rulers omedieval Lithuania. Vytautas wis the ruler (1392–1430) of theGrand Duchy o Lithuanie which chiefly encompassed theLithuanians anRuthenians. He wis also the Prince oHrodna (1370–1382) an the Prince oLutsk (1387–1389), postulated king oHussites.

In modernLithuanie, Vytautas is revered as anaitional hero an wis an important figure in thenational rebirth in the 19t century.Vytautas is a popular male gienname in Lithuanie.Vytautas Magnus University wis named efter him. Monuments in his honour wur built in mony touns in the independentRepublic of Lithuanie durin theinterwar period, 1918–1939.

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