Cleveland Volcanae in theAleutian Islands oAlaska photographed frae theInternaitional Space Station, Mey 2006.Avolcanae is amuntain whaurlava (unco het, mowtenrock) comes tae the surface othe yird. Maist volcanoes haes a crater at the tap.
Volcanaes is made neartectonic plate boonds or abuinmanteel het plouks.
- Etna (Seecily,Italy)
- Hekla (Iceland)
- Kilauea (Hawaii,USA)
- Krakatoa (Rakata, Indonesie)
- Mauna Loa (Hawaii, USA)
- Mauna Kea (Hawaii, USA)
- Munt Baker (Washington, USA)
- Munt Erebus (Ross Island, Antarctica)
- Munt Hood (Oregon, USA)
- Munt Fuji (Honshu, Japan)
- Munt Rainier (Washington, USA)
- Munt Shasta (Californie, USA)
- Munt St. Helens (Washington, USA)
- Novarupta (Alaskae, USA)
- Olympus Mons (Maurs (planet))
- Popocatépetl (Mexico-Puebla state line, Mexico)
- Surtsey (Surtsey island, Iceland)
- Santorini (Santorini island, Greece)
- Tambora (Sumbawa, Indonesie)
- Teide (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain)
- Vesuvius (Bey o Naples, Italy)
- Munt Ruapehu (Nth Island, New Zealand)
- Munt Edziza (Breetish Columbia, Canadae)
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