The vertebrates tradeetionally include thehagfish, that dinnae hae proper vertebrae, tho thair closest livin relatives, thelampreys, dae hae vertebrae.[3] Hagfish dae, houiver, possess acranium. For this raison, the vertebrate subphylum is whiles referred tae as "Craniata" whan discussin morphologie. Molecular analysis syne 1992 haes suggestit that the hagfish is maist closely relatit tae lampreys,[4] an sae vertebrates is in amonophyletic sense. Ithers consider them a sister group o vertebrates in the common taxon o Craniata.[5]
↑Jonathan E.M. Baillie; et al. (2004)."A Global Species Assessment". World Conservation Union. Archived fraethe original on 9 Mairch 2014. Retrieved12 Julie 2013.Explicit use of et al. in:|author= (help)