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Valletta is thecaipital oMaltae, colloquially kent asIl-Belt (Inglis:The City) inMaltese. It is locatit in the central-eastren portion o theisland o Malta an the historical ceity haes a population o 6,098. The name "Valletta" is tradeetionally reserved for the historic wawed citadel that serves as Maltae's principal admeenistrative destrict. Housomeivver, Valletta, lik mony historical ceity centres, forms pairt o a conteenous urban agglomeration eften referred tae as "Greater Valletta." Accordin taeEurostat, Valletta haes a population o 368,250 at the ceity level.
Valletta conteens biggins frae the 16t century onwards, biggit durin the rule o the Order o St. John o Jerusalem, kent asKnights Hospitaller an aw. The ceity is essentiallyBaroque in character, wi elements oMannerist,Neo-Classical anModren airchitectur in selectit auries, thoWarld War II left major scars on the ceity. The Ceity o Valletta wis offeecially recognised as aWarld Heritage Site biUNESCO in 1980.
The ceity is named forJean Parisot de la Valette, who succeedit in defendin the island frae anOttoman invasion in 1565. The offeecial name gien bi the Order o Saunt John wisHumilissima Civitas Valletta — The MaistHumble Ceity o Valletta, orCittà Umilissima in Italian. Thebastions,curtains anravelins alang wi the beauty o itsBaroque pailaces, gardens an kirks, led the rulin hooses o Europe tae gie the ceity its nicknameSuperbissima — 'MaistProud'.
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