Valkeakoski is locatit 35 kilometre (22 mi) sooth oTampere an 150 km (93 mi) north oHelsinki in theprovince oWastren Finland an is pairt o thePirkanmaaregion. The municipality haes a population o 20,732(28 Februar 2023)[2] an covers an aurie o 372.03 square kilometre (143.64 sq mi) owhich 100.06 km2 (38.63 sq mi)is watter.[1] Thepopulation densitie is76.23 inhabitants per square kilometre (197.4/sq mi).The municipality is unilinguallyFinnish.
Valkeakoski is best kent for its paper industry an domestically heichlie successfufitbaa team,FC Haka.
The toun an the paper industry hae baith grown bi the Valkeakoski rapids atween the lakeMallasvesi in the north an the lakeVanajavesi in the sooth.
The Valkeakoski aurie is kent tae hae been inhabitit syne theiron age. Mair nor a thoosan years ago, the ridges on the aurie served as a foondation o the Rapola fort. In the follaein middle ages, the mill tounSääksmäki wis the centre o the aurie. Housomeivver, industrialization towards the end o the 19t century increased the importance o wha became the contemporary toun o Valkeakoski. The channel o Valkeakoski wis opened in1869, an the first paper mill wis completit in1873, markin the beginnin o a continuin tradeetion o forest industry. The municipality o Sääksmäki, frae which the toun o Valkeakoski wis detached in1923 wis consolidatit wi Valkeakoski in1973.[6]