Vagharshapat (Armenie:Վաղարշապատ), commonly kent asEjmiatsin inEastren Armenie anEchmiadzin inWastren Armenie (Armenie:Էջմիածին), is the fowert-lairgest ceety inArmenie an the spiritual centre o theArmenies, as it is the seat o theCatholicos o Aw Armenies, the heid o the HolyArmenie Apostolic Kirk. It is the maist populous ceety inArmavir Province, locatit aboot 18 km wast oYerevan, 25 km east o the regional centre oArmavir, anerlie 10 km north o the Armenie-Turkis border. The 1989 census coontit the population o Ejmiatsin as 61,000; it haes declined somewha syne: 58,388 in the 2001 census, an an estimatit 56,757 in 2008.