TheVideo Hame Seestem[1][2] (better kent bi its abbreviationVHS)[3] is a consumer-levelanalog recordinvideotape-based cassette staundart developed biVictor Company o Japan (JVC).
The 1970s wis a period whan video recordin became a major contributor tae the telly industry. Like mony ither technological innovations, ilk ane o several companies made an attempt tae produce a telly recordin staundart that the majority o the warld wad embrace. At the peak o it aw, the hame video industry wis caucht up in a series ovideotape format wars. Twa o the formats, VHS anBetamax, received the maist media exposur. VHS wad eventually win the war, an tharefore succeed as the dominant hame video format, lastin throughoot the tape furmat period.[4]
In later years,optical disc furmats began tae affer better quality nor video tape. The earliest o thir formats,Laserdisc, wisnae widely adoptit, but the subsequentDVD format eventually did achieve mass acceptance an replaced VHS as the preferred method o distribution efter 2000.[5]