The ceety gets its name frae theUzh River, whilk divides the ceety intae twa haufs (the auld an new sections).Uzh (Уж) meansringed snake (Natrix natrix), anhorod (город) is Rusyn forceety, comin fraeAuld Slavonicgrad (градъ). Housomeivver, this name is a recent big, an haes been uised anerly syne the beginnin o the 20t century. Afore then, the ceety wis kent asUngvar, spelled Ongvar, Hungvar, an Unguyvar an aw, a name derivit frae theOnogurs, a Hunno-Bulgar fowk wha gaun athort theVolga in the 5t century AD.
It is kent bi several alternative names an aw:Czech:Užhorod;Slovak:Užhorod; German:Ungwar, Ungarisch Burg;Pols:Użhorod;Romanie:Ujhorod.
The best kent o the first ceety foonders areearly Slavs. ane o thair tribes –White Croats – settled the aurie o the modren Uzhhorod in the seicont hauf o the first millennium AD. Durin the 9t century a fortifee'd castle chyngit intae a fortifee'd earlyfeudal toun-dounset, which became the centre o a new Slavonic principality, at the heid o which wis a legendar princeLaborets, who wis vassal oGreat Moravie.
In 895 ADHungarian tribes, heidit bi thair leaderÁrpád, stormit the Hungvar fortress. The forces wur no equal an Laborets wis defeatit an beheidit on the banks o the river that still cairies his name.
Efter the income o the Hungarians, the smaw toun began tae extend its borders. In 1241–1242 theMongols oBatu Khan burnt the dounset. In the air 14t century Uzhhorod shawed strang resistance tae the new Hungarian rulers o theAnjou dynasty. Frae 1318 for 360 years, theDrugeths (Italian coonts) awned the toun. In that periodPhilip Drugeth biggitUzhhorod Castle. Thegither wi the castle the ceety began tae grow. Bi 1430, Uzhhorod acquired some privileges frae the keeng an wis offeecially cried "The Privilegit Ceety o Ungvar" an became caipital oUng Coonty.
Durin the 16–17t centuries thare wur mony handicraft corporations in Uzhhorod. In this period, the ceety wis engagit in the releegious fecht atween primarilyProtestantTransylvanie anCatholicAustrick. In 1646 theUzhhorod Union wis proclaimit an theGreek-Catholic kirk wis established in Subcarpathie, in a ceremony held in the Uzhhorod castle bi theVatican Aegis. In 1707 Uzhhorod wis the residence oFerenc II Rákóczi, leader o the naitional-leeberation war o Hungarians againstVienna.
The beginnin o the 19t century wis characterisit bi economic chynges, includin the first factories in the ceety. The greatest influence on Uzhhorod amang the poleetical events o the 19t century wis made bi theHungarian Revolution o 1848-1849, in whilk the native Hungarian nobility socht baith tae get free o theAustrian Empire an tae assert thair richt tae dominate aw ither fowks o Hungary. 27 Mairch 1848 wis offeecially celebratit in the ceety as the owerthrow o the monarchy in Hungary.
In 1872 the first railwey line opened, linkin the ceety tae the important railwey junction oChop.
Accordin tae the 1910 census, the ceety haed 16,919 indwallers, 13,590 (80.3%) o whilk wurHungarians, 1,219 (7.2%)Slovaks, 1,151 (6.8%)Germans, 641 (3.8%)Rusyns an 1.6%Czechs.[1] At the same time, the municipal aurie o the ceety haed a population componit o 10,541 (39.05%) Hungarians, 9,908 (36.71%) Slovaks, an 5,520 (20.45%) Rusyns.[2]
Warld War I slawed doun the tempo o ceety development. On 10 September 1919Subcarpathie wis offeecially allocatit tae the Republic oCzechoslovakie. Uzhhorod became the admeenistrative centre o the territory. In thir years, Uzhhorod developit intae a airchitecturally modren ceety. Efter the Munich Treaty, Uzhhorod became pairt o the Slovak hauf o the new Czechoslovak state.
This period brocht significant chynges. At the ootskirts o Uzhhorod new enterprises wur constructit an the auld enterprises wur renewed.[3] On 29 Juin 1945 Subcarpathie Ukraine wis annexed bi theSoviet Union an became a wastmaist pairt o theUkrainian SSR. That year, theUzhhorod State Varsity (nouUzhhorod Naitional Varsity) wis opened an aw. Syne Januar 1946 Uzhhorod wis the centre o newly formed Zakarpatska Oblast.[4]
Syne 1991 Uzhhorod haes acome ane o 23 regional caipitals athin Ukraine. Oot o thaim, Uzhhorod is the smawest an wastmaist.
In 2002, efter some controversy, a bust oTomáš Garrigue Masaryk, Czechoslovakie's first preses, wis unveiled in a main square o the ceety. A seemilar bust wis unveiled in 1928 on the 10t anniversar o Czechoslovak unthirldom, but wis remuivit bi the Hungarians whan thay teuk ower the region in 1939.
Uzhhorod haes ahumid continental climate (Köppen climate clessification:Dfb), near on the borderline o theoceanic climate (Cfb) wi ceul tae cauld winters an wairm simmers. The cauldest month is Januar wi a average temperatur o −1.7 °C (28.9 °F) while the wairmest month is Julie wi a average temperatur o 20.9 °C (69.6 °F).[3] The cauldest temperatur iver recordit is −28.2 °C (−18.8 °F) an the wairmest temperatur wis 38.6 °C (101.5 °F). Average annual precipitation is 748 millimetre (29.4 in), that is evenly distribute ootthrou the year tho the simmer months haes heicher precipitation.[3] On average, Uzhhorod receives 1950 oors o sunsheen per year[4]