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Modren tourists takin photos frae an open-toppedtour bus inParis.
View oRio de Janeiro.

Tourism istravel forrecreational,leisur, orbusiness purposes. TheWarld Tourism Organization definestourists as fowk "travelin tae an stayin in places ootside thair uisual environment for nae mair nor ane consecutive year for leisur, business an ither purposes".[1]

Tourism haes acome a popular global leisur activity. Efter slowly recovering frae the contraction resultin frae thelate-2000s recession, whaur tourism suffered a strang slowdoun frae the seicont hauf o 2008 throu the end o 2009, an the ootbreak o theH1N1 influenza virus,[2][3] internaitional tourist arrivals surpassed the milestone 1 billion tourists globally for first time in history in 2012.[4] Internaitional tourism receipts (the travel item o thebalance o payments) grew taeUS$1.03 trillion (€740 billion) in 2011, correspondin tae an increase inreal terms o 3.8% frae 2010.[5] In 2012,Cheenae acame the lairgest spender in internaitional tourism globally wiUS$102 billion, surpassinGermany anUnited States. Cheenae anemergin mercats significantly increase thair spendin ower the past decade, wiRoushie anBrazil as noteworthy examples.[6]

Tourism is important, an in some cases, vital for monykintras. It wis recognised in theManila Declaration on Warld Tourism o 1980[7] as "an activity essential tae the life o naitions acause o its direct effects on the social, cultural, eddicational, an economic sectors o naitional societies an on thair internaitional relations."[1][8] Tourism brings in lairge amoonts o income in payment forguids an services available, accoontin for 30% o the warld'sexports o services, an 6% o owerall exports o guids an services.[5] It an aa creates opportunities foremployment in theservice sector o the economy, associatit wi tourism.[9] Thir service industries includetransportation services, sic asairlines,cruise ships, antaxicabs;hospitality services, sic asaccommodations, includinhottles anresorts; an entertainment venues, sic asamusement pairks,casinos,shoppin maws,muisic venues, antheatres.


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  1. ab"UNWTO technical manual: Collection of Tourism Expenditure Statistics"(PDF). World Tourism Organization. 1995. p. 10. Archived fraethe original(PDF) on 22 September 2010. Retrieved26 Mairch 2009.
  2. "International tourism challenged by deteriorating global economy"(PDF).UNWTO World Tourism Barometer.World Tourism Organization.7 (1). 2009. Archived fraethe original(PDF) on 17 October 2013. Retrieved17 November 2011.Unknown parameter|month= ignored (help)
  3. "UNWTO World Tourism Barometer Interim Update"(PDF).UNWTO World Tourism Barometer.World Tourism Organization. 2010. Archived fraethe original(PDF) on 17 October 2013. Retrieved17 November 2011.Unknown parameter|month= ignored (help)
  4. "UNWTO World Tourism Barometer"(PDF).UNWTO World Tourism Barometer.World Tourism Organization.11 (1). 2013. Archived fraethe original(PDF) on 28 Februar 2013. Retrieved9 Apryle 2013.Unknown parameter|month= ignored (help)
  5. ab"International tourism receipts surpass US$ 1 trillion in 2011" (Press release). UNWTO. 7 Mey 2012. Archived fraethe original on 16 Mairch 2018. Retrieved15 Juin 2012.
  6. "China - the new number one tourism source market in the world".World Tourism Organization. 4 Apryle 2013. Archived fraethe original on 8 Apryle 2013. Retrieved9 Apryle 2013.
  7. "Manila Declaration on World Tourism"(PDF). Retrieved10 August 2013.
  8. Manila Declaration on World Tourism(PDF). World Tourism Conference.Manila,Philippines. 10 October 1980. pp. 1–4. Archived fraethe original(PDF) on 20 November 2012. Retrieved7 October 2013.
  9. "2012 Tourism Highlights"(PDF). UNWTO. 2012. Archived fraethe original(PDF) on 25 December 2018. Retrieved17 Juin 2012.Unknown parameter|month= ignored (help)
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