Estimates for this kintra expleecitly tak intae accoont the effects o excess mortality due tae AIDS; this can result in lawer life expectancy, heicher infant mortality an daith rates, lawer population an growthe rates, an chynges in the distribution o population bi age an sex nor wad itherwise be expectit.
Frae the 11t tae the 16t century, various tribes entert the region frae aw directions. Frae the 16t century tae the 18t century, the coastal region wis a major tradin centre for Europeans in sairch o slaves, earnin Togo an the surroondin region the name "TheSlave Coast". In 1884,Germany declaredTogoland a protectorate. EfterWarld War I, rule ower Togo wis transfer taeFraunce. Togo gained its independence frae Fraunce in 1960.[6] In 1967,Gnassingbé Eyadéma led a sonsie military coup, efter whilk he became "preses". At the time o his daith in 2005, Eyadéma wis the langest-servin leader in modren African history, efter haein been "preses" for 38 year.[7] In 2005, his sonFaure Gnassingbé wis electit preses.