Aswan (Cygnini) is a kynd o watterbird, frae thegenusCygnus anCoscoroba. Thay belang the subfaimilie Anserinae, in the Anatidae familie thatgeese andeuks is a pairt o an aa.[1]
A lot o swans bides in caulder airts, like northrenEurope,Asia anNorth Americae. Thay lieve onwatter. Thay soum on tap o the watter and eatplants aff the bottom o pownds,lochs, oroceans. Forby, swans eatsinsects an ither beasties. A babby swan is cryed a cygnet.
Swans is teuch, strang birds. Thay micht open thair wings as a warnin, but frae than on a bodie is advised tae haud weel awa frae thaim. Swans is gey protective o thair nests. They will set at ocht thay see as a threit tae thair chicks, even humans.
The Scots wirdswan, relatit til theGermanSchwan,Dutchzwaan anSwaidishsvan, comes frae aIndo-European ruit*swen (tae soond, tae sing).[2] Yung swans is caaedcygnets orswanlings; the first ane comes frae Auld Frenchcigne orcisne (diminutive suffix -et "wee") frae theLaitin wirdcygnus, a form ocycnus "swan", an that comes frae theGreekκύκνοςkýknos, a wird wi the same meanin.[3][4][5]
Swans is some o the biggest fleein birds. Thay ar big and thay hae big feet an lang necks. The males is mair bigger an wechtie nor females for ordinar. Themute swan, trumpeter swan, anhouper swan is the biggest swans. Thay can be bigger nor 1.5m (60 inch) lang. Thay'r wecht can be abuin 15kg (33 pund). The lenth o baith thair wings thegither can be near 3m (10 fit).
Maist swans is white. Thay ar fund in the Northren Hemisphere (Europe, Asia and North Americae). Houaniver, the black swan is black wi a reid neb that bides inAustralie. The swans wi black hauses haes white flicht feathers, and black ooter feathers.[6] Thae anes bides inSooth Americae. Forby, thay hae a bit skin atween the een an neb that haesna nae feathers. This bit can be different colors, like yellae (like on aBewick's swan) or orange (like on a mute swan).
Wild swans flits. Thay eat an fatten thairsels in ae bit in the cauld pairt o the year an flit til a mair warmer place for tae lay eggs an raise chicks, caaed cygnets.[7]
The coscoroba swan isna the same as the ither anes. Some scientists thinks it is mair like a deuk or a guiss. It isna sae big as the ither swans. This swan bides in Sooth Americae.[8]
Bewick's swans spent a lot o time in Ireland, Britain an the Netherlands in the bygaen, but scientists says that thay hae been muvin east intil Germany. Thay dinna spend as muckle time in thair winter feedin grunds as thay did in 1970. Scientists says thay ar follaein the chynges in temperatur in Europe. The scientists fund that individual swans disna chynge whaur thay like gaun til in thair ain lifetimes. Insteid, different generations o swans gangs awa til different places frae the anes thair paurents an grandpaurents gaed til.[7][9]
- GenusCygnus
- Black swan (Cygnus atratus)
- New Zealand swan (Cygnus atratus sumnerensis)dee'd oot
- Trumpeter swan (Cygnus buccinator)
- Bewick's swan (Cygnus bewickii)
- Whistlin swan (Cygnus columbianus)
- Houper (Cygnus cygnus)
- Black-hause swan (Cygnus melancoryphus)
- Mute swan (Cygnus olor)
- GenusCoscoroba
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