Stairch oramylum is acarbohydrate consistin o a muckle nummer oglucose units jyned biglycosidic bonds. Thispolysaccharide is produced bi maist greenplants as energy storage. It is the maist common carbohydrate in human diets an is conteened in muckle amoonts instaple fuids liktatties,wheat,maize (corn),rice, ancassava.
Pure stairch is a white, tasteless an odourless pouder that is insoluble in cauld watter or alcohol. It conseests o twa types o molecules: the linear anhelicalamylose an the branchedamylopectin. Dependin on the plant, stairch generally conteens 20 tae 25% amylose an 75 tae 80% amylopectin bi wecht.[4]Glycogen, the glucose store o ainimals, is a mair heichly brainched version o amylopectin.
In industrie, stairch is convertit intae succars, for ensaumple bimautin, anfermentit tae produceethanol in the manufactur obeer,whisky anbiofuel. It is processed tae produce mony o the succars used in processed fuids. Mixin maist stairches in wairm watter produces a paste, sic aswheatpaste, that can be uised as a thickenin, stiffenin or gluin agent. The biggest industrial non-fuid uise o stairch is as an adhesive in thepapermakkin process. Staorch can be applee'd tae pairts o some garments afore airning, tae stiffen them.