Spaingie fowk · Españoles |
Tot population |
( Spain Naitionals 41,539,400[1]
(for a total population of 47,059,533) Nationals Abroad : 2,058,048[2] Hunders o millions o Hispanic Americans wi Spaingie ancestry) |
Regions wi signeeficant populations |
Argentinae | 404,111[2] |
Fraunce | 215,183[2] |
Venezuela | 188,585[2] |
Germany | 122,218[2] |
Brazil | 117,523[2] |
Cuba | 108,858[2] |
Mexico | 108,314[2] |
Unitit States (includinPuerto Rico) | 103,474[2] |
Swisserland | 103,247[2] |
Unitit Kinrick | 81,519[2] |
Uruguay | 63,827[2] |
Chile | 56,104[2] |
Belgium | 53,212[2] |
Andorrae | 24,318[2] |
Colombie | 22,123[2] |
Netherlands | 21,974[2] |
Italy | 20,898[2] |
Peru | 19,668[2] |
Dominican Republic | 18,928[2] |
Australie | 18,353[2] |
Leids |
Leids o Spain (Spaingie,Basque,Catalan,Galicie an ithers) |
Releegion |
Christian (Mostly Roman Catholicism 73.4%)[3] Atheism 24%[4] · ither faith 2.1% incl.
Jewish · Muslim · Buddhist · Hinduism |
Relatit ethnic groups |
Portuguese · French · Italians · ither Wastren Europeans · · Sephardic · · White Hispanics · |
TheSpainyarts (Spaingie:españoles[espaˈɲoles]) are anaition anethnic group native taeSpain that share a commonSpaingie cultur an speak theSpaingie leid as a mither tongue. Athin Spain thare are a nummer onaitionalisms an regionalisms, reflectin the kintra's complex history. The offeecial leid o Spain is Spaingie (kent asCastilian) an aw, astaundart leid based on the mediaeval dialect o theCastilians o north-central Spain. Thare are several commonly speuken regional leids (mainlyBasque,Catalan anGalicie). Wi the exception o Basque, theleids native tae Spain areRomance leids. Thare are substantial populations ootside Spain wi ancestors whoemigratit frae Spain; maist notably inHispanic Americae.
TheRoman Republic conquered Iberie durin the 2nt and 1st hunderyears BC. As a result oRoman colonization, the majority o local leids, wi the exception oBasque, stem frae theVulgar Laitin. TheGermanicVandals anSuebi, wi pairt o theIranianAlans unner KeengRespendial, arrivit in the peninsula in 409 AD. TheIberian Peninsula wisinvadit bi Muslim airmies in 711.[5] Ultimately, Jews an Muslims eitherconvertit tae Catholicism or wur expelled frae Spain in 1492 an 1502, follaein the Reconquista. In the 16t hunderyear, a wave o emigration began, wi 240,000 Spaniards voyagin tae the Americas. They wur jyned bi 450,000 in the next hunderyear.[6] Syne the conquest oMexico anPeru these twa regions became the principal destinations o Spaingie colonial settlers in the 16t hunderyear.[7] In the period 1850–1950, 3.5 million Spaingie left for theAmericas, pairticularlyArgentinae,Uruguay, Mexico,[8]Brazil,Chile,Venezuela, anCuba.[9]
Spain is hame tae ane o the lairgest commonties oRomani fowk (commonly kent bi the Inglisexonym "gypsies", Spaingie:gitanos). The Spaingie Roma, which belang tae the Iberie Kale subgroup (calé), are a umwhile-nomadic commonty, which spread athort Wastren Asie, North Africae, an Europe, first reachin Spain in the 15t hunderyear. The population o Spain is becomin increasinly diverse due tae recent immigration. Frae 2000 tae 2010, Spain haed amang the heichest per caipita immigration rates in the warld an the seicont heichest absolute net migration in the Warld (efter theUSA)[10] and immigrants now make up about 10% of the population.
- Castro, Americo. Willard F. King and Selma Margaretten, trans.The Spaniards: An Introduction to Their History. Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1980.ISBN 0-520-04177-1.
- Chapman, Robert.Emerging Complexity: The Later Pre-History of South-East Spain, Iberia, and the West Mediterranean. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.ISBN 0-521-23207-4.
- Goodwin, Godfrey.Islamic Spain. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1990.ISBN 0-87701-692-5.
- Harrison, Richard.Spain at the Dawn of History: Iberians, Phoenicians, and Greeks. New York: Thames & Hudson, 1988.ISBN 0-500-02111-2.
- James, Edward (ed.).Visigothic Spain: New Approaches. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980.ISBN 0-19-822543-1.
- Thomas, Hugh.The Slave Trade: The History of the Atlantic Slave Trade 1440–1870. London: Picador, 1997.ISBN 0-330-35437-X.
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