Sheffield is aceity anmetropolitan borough oSooth Yorkshire, Ingland. Its name derives frae theRiver Sheaf, which runs through the ceity.Historically a pairt o theWast Ridin o Yorkshire, an pairtly Derbyshire, the ceity haes grown frae its lairgely industrial ruits tae encompass a wider economic base. The population o the Ceity of Sheffield is 534,500 (2008 est.) an it is ane o the aicht lairgest regional Inglis ceities that mak up theEnglish Core Cities Group.
Durin the 19t century, Sheffield gained an internaitional reputation forsteel production. Mony innovations wur developed locally, includincrucible anstainless steel, fuellin an amaist tenfold increase in the population durin theIndustrial Revolution. Sheffield received itsmunicipal charter in 1893, offeecially becomin theCity of Sheffield. Internaitional competition in iron an steel caused a decline in traditional local industries durin the 1970s an 1980s, coincidin wi the collapse ocoal minin in the area.
The ceity is locatit the valleys o theRiver Don an its fower tributaries, theLoxley, thePorter Brook, theRivelin, an theSheaf, frae which the ceity takes its name. 61% o the Sheffield’s entire area is green space, an a third o the ceity lies athin thePeak District National Park.
Twa roads in Sheffield hae been named efter sister ceeties; a section o the A6102 in Norton is named Bochum Parkway, an a road inHackenthorpe is named Donetsk Way.