The "Scots" that wis uised in this airticle wis written bi a body that haesna a guid grip on the leid. Pleasemak this airticle mair better gin ye can. (October 2020)
Shàntóu (Cheenese:汕头), criedSwatow orSuátao an aa, is aprefectur-level ceety on the eastren coast oGuangdong province,Fowkrepublic o Cheenae, wi a tot population o 5,391,028 as o 2010 an an admeenistrative aurie o 2,064 square kilometre (797 sq mi)*. Wi it an the immediately surroondin ceeties oJieyang anChaozhou, the metropolitan region – kent asChaoshan – covers an auriea o 10,404 km2 (4,017 sq mi), an haed a permanent population o 13,937,897 at the end o 2010.
Shantou, a ceety signeeficant in 19t-century Cheenese history as ane o thetreaty ports established for Wastren trade an contact, wis ane o the oreeginalSpecial Economic Zones o the Fowkrepublic o China established in the 1980s, but did nae blossom in the manner that ceeties such asShenzhen,Xiamen anZhuhai did. However, it remains eastren Guangdong's economic centre, an is home taeShantou Varsity, a member o theProject 211 group.
The historic quarter o Shantou, which features baith Wastren an Cheenese architectur
Shantou wis a fishin veelage pairt oTuojiang Ceety (鮀江都), Jieyang Destrict (揭陽縣) durin theSong Dynasty. It came tae be Xialing (廈嶺) durin theYuan Dynasty. In 1563, Shantou wis a pairt o Chenghai Destrict (澄海縣) in Chao Prefectur (Chaozhou). As early as 1574, Shantou haed been cried Shashan Ping (沙汕坪). In the seventeent century, a cannon platform cried Shashan Toupaotai (沙汕頭炮臺 sha shan tou pao tai) wis made here, an the placename later wis shortened tae "Shantou". Locally it has been referred tae as Kialat.
Connectin tae Shantou athort theQueshi Bridge is Queshi (礐石) which haed been kent bi the local fowk through the 19t century as Kakchio. It wis the main steid for the American an BreetishConsulates. The day the aurie is a scenic pairk but some o the structurs are somewhat preserved frae its earlier history.
It became a ceety in 1919, an wis separatit frae Chenghai in 1921. 1922 saw the devastatinSwatow Typhoon, which killed 5,000 oot o the 65,000 fowk then inhabitin the ceety.[1]
In the 1930s, as a transport hub an a merchandise distribution centre in Sootheast Cheenae, Shantou Port's cargo throughput ranked third in the kintra. A brief accoont o a visit tae the ceety Inglis durin this period is the Inglis accoontant Max Relton'sA Man in the East: A Journey through French Indo-Cheenae (Michael Joseph Ltd., London, 1939).
As o 2003, the destrict o Haojiang wis established oot oHepu anDahao which haed been merged, an the destrict o JinpingShengping anJinyuan; Waisha an Xinxi Toun, pairt o umwhile Chenghai Ceety, wis merged intae Longhu Destrict; Chenghai Ceety became Chenghai Destrict; Chaoyang Ceety wis dividit an became Chaoyang an Chaonan Destrict respectively.
Shantou is locatit in eastren Guangdong wi latitude spanning 23°02′33″ – 23°38′50″ N an longitude 116°14′40″ – 117°19′35″ E; theTropic o Cancer passes through the northren pairt o the ceety, an alang it there is a monument, in fact the eastrenmaist in mainland Cheena, at23°26′33″N116°35′20″E / 23.44240°N 116.58885°E /23.44240; 116.58885.[2] The heichest peak in the ceety's admeenistration is Munt Dajian (大尖山) onNan'ao Island, at 587 m (1,926 ft); the heichest peak on the geographic mainland isMunt Lianhua (莲花山), at 562 m (1,844 ft) inChenghai Destrict. The ceety is locatit at the mooths o theHan,Rong (榕江), anLian Rivers.
Shantou haes a monsoon-influencedhumid subtropical climate (KöppenCfa), wi short, mild tae warm winters, an lang, het, humid simmers. Winter begins sunny an dry but becomes progressively wetter an cloudier. Ware is generally owercast, while simmer brings the hiviest rains o the year though is much sunnier; thare are 8.2 days annually wi 50 mm (1.97 in) o rainfaw. Hairst is sunny an dry. The monthly 24-hour average temperature ranges frae 13.8 °C (56.8 °F) in Januar tae 28.3 °C (82.9 °F) in Julie, an the annual mean is 21.53 °C (70.8 °F). The annual rainfaw is aroond 1,630 mm (64 in), aboot 60% o which occurs frae Mey tae August. Thare are 1,979 oors o bricht sunshine annually.