The ceety is the economic centre o theSan Diego–Carlsbad–San Marcos metropolitan aurie considered congruent wi the coonty. The ceety wis ratit the fift-best place tae live in the Unitit States in 2006 biMoney magazine. Accordin taeForbes magazine, San Diego is the fift-wealthiest ceety in the Unitit States an the 9t safest ceety in the top 10 leet o safest ceeties in the U.S.[3] San Diego's top fower industries are manufacturing, defense, tourism, and agriculture.[4] San Diego's economy is lairgely composed o agricultur, biotechnology/biosciences, computer sciences, electronics manufacturin, defense-relatit manufacturin, financial an business services, ship repair, ship construction, software development, telecommunications, wireless research, an tourism. The presence o theUniversity of California, San Diego, (UCSD) wi the affiliatitUCSD Medical Center promotes research in biotechnology.[5] San Diego is an aa designatit as an iHub Innovation Center bi umwhileGov. Schwarzenegger’s Office o Economic Development.[6][7]